Page 157 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 157
Future County | Amenities and the Next Big Thing
The Next Big Thing for Florence County
A lot of discussion was generated about what is the "Next Big Thing" for Florence County. Many cities and other
counties across the region struggle with identifying what that should be and how to get there. More times than
not, discussion focused on things for young people to do or engage in to keep them in Florence County. One of
the most popular concepts for this is additional facilities with sports fields, aquatic resources, and wellness
activities for all ages.
This type of facility can make a regional impact. Discussed as a huge need for the area, keeping young people and
new families engaged is critical to growth. A multi-use facility would support several critical functions: tourism,
wellness, and economic diversification. While this planning effort was not designed to master plan such a facility,
it was a goal to identify what that effort should be focused towards.
Florence County, SC | Comprehensive Plan pg. 156