Page 155 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 155
Future County | Amenities and the Next Big Thing
This plan section emphasizes the essential contribution that parks, open space, and recreation facilities make to
a healthy and sustainable community. Parks and open space are integral parts of any County and often are among
the public services most valued by residents and also enjoyed by visitors. Florence County offers well utilized parks
and recreation facilities, that in addition to its historic assets and cultural facilities, contribute to the livability of
the County. All aspects of this Comprehensive Plan shape the livability of Florence County, but this plan section
especially reinforces the quality of life its residents enjoy.
Goals for Health and Parks
Well-designed parks and trails can encourage and
allow a safe place for exercise and community
What are the goals for natural, cultural, and other interaction and can provide mental health benefits
amenities in Florence County? such as stress reduction. Tools such as Health Impact
Assessments (HIA) are used to quantify and qualify the
public health impacts of proposed policies, plans, or
A. First and foremost, the County must protect and development projects. Health Impact Assessments
enhance the community's appearance.
help communities assess the potential effects of a
B. Taking advantage of the trail connections in and proposed policy, plan, program, or project on
around the County. community health, including the distribution of
C. Creating protected and scenic entrances into the benefits and costs within the community. HIAs
County, its parks, and natural resources is recommend strategies for monitoring and managing
important. While economic diversification tends health and bring public health issues to decision
to rule the day, protecting the quality of life makers outside of the public health field, such as in
afforded by natural scenery is just as critical. The transportation and land use. HIAs can be voluntary or
County should employ a study to create regulatory processes that focus on health outcomes.
protected corridors for these amenities. Health Impact Assessments specific to parks and trails
can be completed to evaluate how to maximize the
positive impact of new park and trail investments on
public health. Source: ULI - Intersections: Health and
the Built Environment
Florence County, SC | Comprehensive Plan pg. 154