Page 17 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 17
Existing County | Population
Population Chart
Census Data Note
This Comprehensive Plan was prepared at the start of a new decade. This is when one-of-a-kind data from
the decennial U.S. Census (2020) is newly available. The COVID-19 public health emergency impacted the
ability of the Census Bureau to conduct normal Census activities in 2020, causing the typical Census
reporting timeframe to be extended. As of the drafting of this report, limited releases of 2020 Census data
were available.
In the meantime, interim results from the 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) are still, in many cases,
the best source of detailed data about socioeconomic conditions at the local community level, especially
for making “apples to apples” comparisons to other communities, the state, and the nation.
However, it is important to note that the US Census is the official authority on US Population statistics and
many financial allotments to States are based upon these figures. It is too early to say if the COVID-19
public health emergency impacted the accuracy, causing the typical Census figures to be affected.
The Census Bureau will also not release its standard 2020 ACS 1-year estimates because of the impacts of
the COVID-19 pandemic on data collection. We will use available 2020 figures where appropriate and
2019 figures where we need to make more detailed comparisons.
Florence County, SC | Comprehensive Plan pg. 16