Page 106 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 106
Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan
This Recreation and Amenities portion of the Grenada County 2040 Plan focuses on five key planning concerns:
Ongoing and new park and recreation needs (park/facility rehabilitation, trail and bikeway opportunities,
recreational programming, etc.).
Resource protection (natural, historic/cultural, scenic).
Community events and leisure options.
Community best practices to promote healthy living opportunities for residents.
Design and beautification considerations primarily involving the “public realm” (i.e., key roadway corridors,
community entries/gateways, other public lands/facilities, etc.).
Additionally, this section relates to the other Plan sections in these essential ways:
Growth Capacity as provision of adequate and well-located parks and recreation facilities is among the
core public service responsibilities of local government as a jurisdiction gains more population and
expands its development footprint into new areas. Such sites may also require new water service and/or
stormwater management improvements depending on the location and the activities planned for the site
(e.g., sports fields requiring irrigation, public uses areas subject to ponding after storms, etc.).
Housing and Development as more housing and added residents will likely increase the utilization of
existing parks, recreational trails and other outdoor amenity areas, leading to increased maintenance
demands for local government. New or upgraded parks, trails and recreation facilities may eventually be
needed to meet the needs of a larger population, and in newly-developing areas.
Transportation as providing safe and easy access to recreational sites, shopping and entertainment areas,
and to and within Downtown Grenada, is essential to a positive experience for residents and visitors to
Grenada County. As with all transportation considerations in this Plan, key factors are multiple travel
routes for reaching destinations, and accommodation of multiple ways to get places, whether by motor
vehicle, on a bike or on foot.
Economic Development as this Recreation and Amenities section caps off the “quality of place” theme
that is especially significant to Grenada County’s economic development and branding efforts, and is
touched on across all elements of this Plan.
Ultimately, all aspects of this Grenada County 2040 Plan will shape the livability of Grenada, but this Plan section
especially reinforces the quality of life its residents enjoy today and aspire to achieve in the future. The
Recreation and Amenities section underscores that parks, recreation facilities and preserved open space are an
essential part of a healthy and sustainable community, offering relaxation and exercise outside of the home and
work and beyond school activities. Much like streets, utilities and police and fire protection, parks are another
component of a local government’s core services – and often among the public services most valued by
residents and also enjoyed by visitors.
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