Page 26 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 26

Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan

                      ACTION               Principles   Initiate      WHO                  Resources
             SAP  PROGRAMS AND              Thriving     Near       Grenada         Mississippi Association of
             4     INITIATIVES             Appealing     Term        County          Supervisors
                   Periodically assess                    (0-3        -------       Mississippi Municipal League
                   local government                      years)      City of
                   program capacities                     and       Grenada
                   and staffing based on                Ongoing
                   the latest area
                   and service demand
                   indicators (e.g., permit
                   applications, service
                   requests, park facility
                   reservations, etc.) to
                   anticipate the timing
                   of next hires, as well as
                   tipping points that
                   would trigger a
                   significant staffing
                   addition (e.g., opening
                   of a new fire station
                   that requires a
                   minimum number of
                   dedicated personnel).

             Grenada County, MS                                                                                8
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