Page 22 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
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Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan
Framework for Action
This Framework for Action section builds off of the Top Strategic Priorities itemized above under Key Issues and
Considerations. The actions in this Growth Capacity section involve tangible steps that will lead to achievement
of the goals in line with the Plan’s Guiding Principles (in the Introduction section). The actions are categorized
into the five types of plan implementation actions highlighted throughout this Grenada County 2040 Plan:
1. Capital investments.
2. Programs and initiatives.
3. Regulations and standards.
4. Partnerships and coordination.
5. More targeted planning/study.
A Goal is a statement of a desired outcome (“end”) toward which efforts
are directed as expressed by more specific objectives and action steps (“means”).
GOAL GC 1: A financially sustainable growth trajectory and pattern for both Grenada County and
City as more land in the county transitions to urban and suburban development.
GOAL GC 2: Beneficial infill and redevelopment activity within existing developed areas where
utility capacity and public services are already in place or projected for improvement.
GOAL GC 3: Ongoing phased investment in water, wastewater and storm water management
systems to accommodate and keep pace with projected growth.
Advance planning for expanded capacity of public services and facilities, and especially
GOAL GC 4: public safety functions, to meet growing demands at target levels of service and
Preparedness to absorb increasing student numbers in Grenada County’s well-
GOAL GC 5: regarded primary/secondary education system to maintain quality and provide a prime
draw for living in the county.
Resiliency across local government and the private sector to be ready for and
GOAL GC 6: positioned to recover from potential economic downturns, severe weather events and
other natural hazards, and local effects from changing climate conditions.
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