Page 17 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
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Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan
Pathways to Action
The Framework for Action in each Plan section provides Goals and identifies strategic action priorities:
A Goal is a statement of a desired outcome (“end”) toward which efforts are directed as expressed by
more specific objectives and action steps (“means”).
A strategic Action Priority is aimed at seizing a special opportunity or addressing a particular challenge one
faces, given limited resources – financial and otherwise – and recognizing that a broader agenda of new or
ongoing activities will also be pursued in the meantime.
The action priorities in this Plan are presented in five categories that represent the major ways that plan goals
and initiatives are typically advanced and accomplished:
Capital Investments
Many local governments use a multi-year capital improvements planning process to identify
and budget for “big ticket” projects, especially those that must be phased and/or coordinated
with other initiatives. This may include street infrastructure; water, sanitary sewer and
drainage improvements; parks, trails and recreation facility construction and upgrades;
construction of public buildings; and purchases of land, vehicles or major equipment. With a
typical five-year outlook, a Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) provides predictability regarding
a jurisdiction’s capital investment plans and priorities for the benefit and awareness of citizens and private
interests. Anticipating and adequately budgeting for major capital projects will be essential to implementing this
Plan. Likewise, decisions regarding the prioritization of proposed capital improvements should reflect the
direction and priorities of this plan.
Programs and Initiatives
Programs involve the routine activities of local government departments and staff, as well as
special projects and initiatives they may also undertake. As part of plan implementation, this
method may include initiating new or adjusting existing programs and activities; expanding
community outreach efforts; or providing specialized training to accomplish a priority
objective more promptly and/or effectively.
Regulations and Standards
Given that private investment decisions account for a vast majority of an area’s physical form,
land development regulations and engineering standards are fundamental for plan
implementation. Consequently, zoning and subdivision regulations and associated
development criteria and technical engineering standards are the basic keys to ensuring that
the form, character and quality of development reflect the community’s planning objectives.
These regulations and standards should advance the community’s desire for quality
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