Page 12 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 12

Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan

            Why Plan?

            Local planning allows Grenada County to better control its future rather than simply dealing with change as it
            happens. Planning enables local government to manage future growth and development actively as opposed to
            reacting  to  development  and  redevelopment  on  a  case-by-case  basis  without  adequate  and  necessary
            consideration of community-wide issues. The process for developing Plan involved major community discussions
            about Grenada County’s priorities and its capability to provide the necessary public services and facilities to
            support these priorities. Such considerations led to pivotal discussions about what is “best” for the community
            and how everything from taxes to quality of
            life will be affected.

            Long-range comprehensive planning provides           Planning is the process
            an  opportunity  for  local  elected  and      of identifying issues and needs,
            appointed  officials  to  step  back  from
            pressing,  day-to-day  issues  and  clarify  their    establishing goals and
            ideas  on  the  kind  of  community  they  are
            trying  to  create  and  maintain.  Through  the   objectives, and determining the
            plan development process, Grenada County’s     most effective means by which
            leaders  could  look  broadly  at  programs  for
            growth       management,        economic         these ends may be achieved.
            development,  parks  and  recreation,  and
            provision of public infrastructure and facilities
            and  how  these  efforts  may  relate  to  one
            another. The Plan ultimately represents a “big picture” of the community and its near-term and longer-range
            future. In sum, essential reasons for long-range planning are to:
                Provide a balance of land uses and services throughout the community to meet the needs and desires of
                 the population.
                Ensure adequate public facilities to meet the demands of future development and redevelopment.
                Achieve  and  maintain  a  development  pattern  that reflects  the  values  of  the  community  and  ensures  a
                 balanced tax base between residential and non-residential development.
                Ensure the long-term protection and enhancement of the perception and image of the community.
                Involve local citizens in the decision-making process, provide a transparent planning process and reach
                 consensus on the future vision for Grenada County.

            Use of this Plan

            A  comprehensive  master  plan,  when  embraced  by  leadership  and  residents,  has  the  potential  to  boost  a
            community’s  livability  and  its  opportunities  for  tangible  accomplishments.  This  plan  is  ultimately  a  guidance
            document for local officials and staff, who must make decisions on a daily basis that will determine the future
            direction, financial health and “look and feel” of the community. These decisions are carried out through:

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