Page 15 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
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Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan
15+ listening sessions with Grenada County and City officials, other public agencies, key area organizations
and non- profits, local business owners,
real estate and development community Quotable
representatives, and other public and
private partners. [Fall 2021 and Winter "We need more residents. The cost of public
2022] schools and other taxes can't be just on
Two large gatherings of area leaders and businesses."
stakeholders at Holmes Community "We need more businesses along our frontages
College in Fall 2021, followed by a so you see Grenada."
Leadership Summit on Grenada County’s "We need to turn Grenada Lake into a
Future open to anyone who wanted to residential lake, then draw businesses there."
attend. [November 2021] "The biggest shot in the arm would be a
Five meetings with a Plan Advisory complete Holmes campus."
Committee, convened to serve as a "We will need more police and fire with
“sounding board” as the Plan was drafted growth."
and refined. [February, March, April, May "We need newcomers willing to do private
and June 2022] investment in Grenada."
A second Leadership Summit at Holmes "We need more internal marketing so locals are
Community College to present highlights more aware of things to do in Grenada County."
from the Grenada County Today Report "With growth comes revenue [for local
and set the stage for the Future County government to do more]."
phase of the planning effort. [March "The main corridors coming into the city need to
2022] be uplifted to reflect a more vibrant community."
An online community survey designed to "City investments can be a catalyst for growth.
help prioritize potential action items in Look at what they've done in Tupelo."
the draft Plan. [July 2022, with 47 "Since the pandemic people want more family-
responses received.] oriented activities and events."
An informal public open house on the "We need to present a unified front to the
overall draft plan held in conjunction with citizens of the city and the county."
a third and final Leadership Summit at "Need to be able to feel the energy when you
Holmes Community College. [July 2022] get to Grenada."
A public hearing before the Grenada
County Board of Supervisors prior to its consideration of Plan adoption. [September 2022]
Future City
While the Grenada County Today Report provides background and insights about the county as it is today, this
Future County portion of the Plan focuses on Grenada County as it intends to be in the years ahead. These
aspirations are presented in topic areas that are central to Grenada County’s physical growth and development
as listed earlier in this Introduction. Each topical section highlights key issues and considerations followed by a
Framework for Action portion. A final section on plan implementation considerations, priorities and procedures
rounds out the Future City portion of the Plan.
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