Page 13 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 13
k. Projects subject to development approval by the
Planning Commission, such as subdivisions, use permits
and projects requiring the approval of variances, that
also include a design review permit. An example of this
type of project would include a tentative subdivision
map which includes a specific housing type as part
of the application, a Residential Master Plan or a
Residential Visitor Lodging operation that includes
modification or addition to the structures.
l. Signs that are part of a larger project subject to design
review by the Planning Commission. An example of this
type of project would include a master sign program for
a new multi-unit commercial building.
m. Projects subject to major design review by any other
provision of the land use code.
An explanation of the design review process can be found on
page 7.
Guidelines Application Within Historic District
In addition to being reviewed by the Planning Department, certain
projects within a designated historic district and certain projects
proposing alterations to a designated historic building must also
be reviewed by the City of Healdsburg Historic Committee, which
is composed of the same members as the Planning Commission.
When evaluating proposed work, the Historic Committee will
review projects for consistency with these design guidelines. Refer
to Chapter 8 for more detail.
How to Use the Design Guidelines
The design guidelines consist of nine chapters and the
supplementary information provided in the Appendices. Since
the document is organized by development type, users will
likely focus primarily on the chapter that matches the type of
project that is proposed. Readers should also utilize Chapter
4, “Healdsburg’s Character Areas and Specific Area Plans” to
aid in the interpretation of the design guidelines for the area
in which the project is being proposed. The document also
provides other information that is applicable to all development
projects including Chapter 2: “Healdsburg’s History and Design
Character”, Chapter 3: “Overarching Design Principles” and
Chapter 7: “Design Guidelines for All Development Types.” A
chart illustrating which chapters should be utilized based on the
type of project can be found on the following page.
Introduction Chapter 1 5