Page 15 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 15

Flexibility in the Administration of                                       DESIGN REVIEW

        the Design Guidelines                                                      PROCESS REGULATIONS
        The design guidelines in this document are intended to allow               For more information regarding the
        for flexibility in how a project meets them. Unlike zoning, which          design review process, refer to the
                                                                                   Municipal Code, Chapter 20.28,
 PROJECT TYPE:  typically provides measurable requirements that a project must     Administration.
        meet, design guidelines are qualitative and focus on broader
 Single-  Small Scale   Large Scale   Other New   Historic   design objectives. As such, discretion and interpretation
 Family   Multi-Family  Multi-Family  Construction  Structure  is typically required by staff or by a design review body to
 New   Addition or   determine if a project is consistent with the guidelines. Flexible
 CHAPTERS TO   New   Alteration,  Accessory   Building   Alteration
 Construction/  New Construction/  New Construction  administration of the guidelines is needed to respond to
 USE:  Renovation   Renovation   Unit (ADU)  Addition  to a Historic   unique site conditions and to encourage design creativity and
 1. Introduction  variety.  The guidelines in this document include intent statements
        under each topic. These statements describe the desired design
 2. Healdsburg’s   objective, under which more specific guidelines are provided.
 History and   Flexibility in interpretation of the guidelines is encouraged where
 Design Character  a property owner identifies an alternative design solution that

 3. Overarching   meets the intent of a guideline, but that may not be consistent
 Design Principles  with the specific guidelines text or the example photos included
        in the document.
 4. Healdsburg’s
 Character Areas
        Design Review Process
 5. Single-Family
 and Other Small-  The City of Healdsburg requires design review for proposed
 Scale Residential   projects focusing on the site and architectural design of any land
 Development   use and permitted structures, and on features that affect the
 Design   public interest and have an impact on the use and enjoyment
 Guidelines  of other properties. The design review process ensures that
        projects are compatible with other adopted documents including
 6. Commercial,   the Healdsburg General Plan and the Land Use Code. For more
 Industrial,   information regarding these documents, see “Relationship to
 Mixed Use and   Zoning, Area Plans and Other Existing Policies” on page 9.
 Multi-Family   Design review in Healdsburg is split into major and minor design
 Development   review, based on project type. Minor design review applications
 Design   are subject to review and approval by the Planning and Building
        Director, and major design review applications are subject to
 7. Design   review and approval by the Planning Commission at a public
 Guidelines for   hearing. Figure 1.1 on the following page illustrates the general
 All Development   design review process for projects that qualify for either major or
 Types  minor design review.

 8. Treatment
 of Historic   Projects in designated historic districts must be found to exhibit
 Resources  compatibility with the architecture and character of the district. A
        proposal for alterations to a designated or undesignated historic
 9. Public Realm   structure must exhibit compatible changes to the structure and
 Design   not degrade any distinguishing original qualities or character-
 Guidelines  defining features of the building.

 10. Appendices

                                                                                            Introduction Chapter 1 7
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