Page 19 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
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Transit (SMART) service utilizing the train station, this document
        provides a vision for how the Plan Area will accommodate and               GENERAL PLANS AND
        take advantage of future train service.                                    SPECIFIC PLANS IN
        Specific Plan for Area A                                                   A “General Plan” is required for all
        Intended to guide long-range development of Area A – 230 acres             cities and counties in California by
        in the unincorporated area just north of the City of Healdsburg            state law and serves as a “blueprint”
                                                                                   for future development and use of
        – and other unincorporated areas within the City’s Urban Service           its land and provides a foundation
        Area, the Area A Specific Plan describes elements of appropriate           on which local land use decisions
        development including land use, housing, open space, circulation,          are based. A general plan must be
        public facilities and urban design.                                        comprehensive, long-term in scope
                                                                                   and describe the desired physical
                                                                                   development of the city and any
        Grove Street Neighborhood Plan                                             land outside its boundaries, which
        This Plan provides a framework for future development along                in the City’s judgment bears relation
        Grove Street between Grant Street and Dry Creek Road                       to its planning. A general plan
                                                                                   is legally required to include the
        that recognizes the neighborhood’s unique qualities. The                   following seven elements: Land Use,
        Neighborhood Plan provides a design concept that recognizes                Circulation, Housing, Conservation,
        the special character of the area, a planning framework for future         Open Space, Noise and Safety.
        development and a strategy for public facilities and services in the
        area.                                                                      A specific plan is a “planning and
                                                                                   regulatory tool made available to
                                                                                   local governments by the State
        Saggio Hills Area Plan                                                     of California, that is intended to
        The Saggio Hills Area Plan, which addresses over 258 acres                 implement a city or county’s general
                                                                                   plan through the development of
        located east of Healdsburg Avenue and north of Parkland Farms,             policies, programs and regulations
        ensures that future development will be consistent with the goals          which provide an intermediate
        and policies set forth in the Healdsburg General Plan. This area           level of detail between the general
        was identified in the Healdsburg General Plan as Subarea C and             plan and individual development
        was annexed to the City in 2009. The Saggio Hills Area Plan                projects. As such, specific plans can
                                                                                   only be adopted or amended if they
        outlines the implementation framework of the Healdsburg 2030               are consistent with the jurisdiction’s
        General Plan for the Saggio Hills geographic area.                         adopted General Plan.

                                                                                   To read more, consult the
        Housing Action Plan (HAP)                                                  Healdsburg 2030 General Plan.
        In 2018, the City of Healdsburg, with extensive public input,
        updated the Housing Action Plan (HAP). The HAP is intended                          OLD REDWOOD
        to shape and direct future housing development in Healdsburg                 CHIQUITA   4        Healdsburg 2030
        during the next Housing Element Cycle. The document                                HEALDSBURG  BRIDLE PATH  General Plan
        recommended changes to existing policies, identified areas for             CABERNET  CHABLIS  ROSEWOOD  1  CANYON RUN  P ARKLAND FAR MS  2
        further research, and established targets for the kinds of housing
                                                                                          P AUL WITTKE
        the community desired to be built. The HAP policies encourage                      SOLAR SUNNYVALE  POPPY HILL
        development of mixed product types that represent creative                 DRY CREEK  HEALDSBURG  LUPINE  TERRACE MARCH PRENTICE  FIELDCREST
                                                                                             MONTE VISTA
        density. Recognizing that housing is not just a quantitative issued,          KINLEY  RAILROAD  POWELL  UNIVERSITY  HAROLD  SUNSET  SOUTH FITCH MOUN TAIN
        the HAP recommended the City’s Design Guidelines be updated                     3 GROVE  SHERMAN  BIANCA  PORDON
                                                                                             FITCH GRANT  UNIVERSITY  REED
        to ensure that new housing is complementary to the existing                           PIPER  HIDDEN   ACRES  HASSETT
                                                                                        WEST GRANT
                                                                                               NORTH  FIRST  SOUTH FITCH MOUN TAIN  SOUTH FITCH MOUN TAIN
        fabric and character of the community. These updated guidelines              WEST NORTH  WEST NORTH  TUCKER MATHESON  HERON  ALMOND  ORCHARD  PINION
                                                                                            MILL  MASON
        respond to that recommendation.                                                WESTSIDE  HEALDSBURG EXCHANGE
                                                                                              HEALDSBURG  FRONT  KENNEDY  BAILHACHE
                                                                                          MAGNOLIA  KINLEY
                                                                                                      GRANT  Sphere of Influence
                                                                                                 US 101
                                                                                                         1.  Area A Specific Plan (1994)
                                                                                                         2.  Ridgeline North Area Plan (1999)
                                                                                                         3.  Grove Street Neighborhood Plan (1999)
                                                                                                         4.  Saggio Hills Area Plan (2008)
                                                                                                     OLD REDWOOD
                                                                                            Introduction Chapter 1 11
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