Page 22 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 22
Components of the Design Guidelines
The guideline topics presented in this document are developed in a consistent format and
organization to facilitate ease-of-use. The format includes a topic heading, an intent statement
related to the topic, numbered design guidelines, additional information about appropriate/
inappropriate approaches, strategies or Character Area-specific information, and illustrations or
diagrams that support the design guideline. In addition to an informative caption, illustrations and
diagrams also include a checkmark ( ) or an “X” to identify whether a graphic shows an appropriate
or inappropriate example. The diagram below identifies the key elements of a design guideline by
using a sample from Chapter 5.
Design Topic Building Setback and Placement
Describes the topic area that the design
guidelines fall within.
Intent Statement The uniform alignment of buildings along traditional
Explains the desired outcome and provides residential blocks provides a sense of enclosure and
a basis for the subsequent guidelines. The a comfortable pedestrian scale. When houses have
intent statement is the most important similar setbacks, a visual continuity occurs. A new
component for each design topic and
may be met in ways other than the design house should be placed to reflect the established
guidelines. If no guidelines address a setbacks along a block.
specific design issue, the intent statement
will be used to determine appropriateness.
Design Guideline 1.1 Locate a building within the range of
Describes the design outcome. Guidelines established setbacks on a block.
are sequentially numbered in each chapter.
Additional Information a. Where front yard setbacks are uniform,
Provides bullet lists of appropriate and align a new building with its neighboring
inappropriate strategies for meeting the buildings.
intent of the guideline.
Character Area Specific * This is particularly important in Character
Statements Area 1, where traditional residential
Call-outs identify when a design guideline buildings comprise the majority of
is especially important for a Character Area. development.
Clarify the intent of the guideline by
illustrating appropriate and inappropriate
design solutions.
Images marked with a check
illustrate appropriate design
Inappropriate Locate a building within the range of established setbacks
Images marked with an X illustrate
inappropriate design solutions on a block.
14 Healdsburg Citywide Design Guidelines