Page 44 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 44
Key Site Design Elements in
Character Area 1: Traditional Residential
Building Placement
Place a building within the established range of front setbacks
on a block, within the provisions of the zoning standards. While
a range of setbacks exists, a building should not be set back a
large distance from the public right-of-way. Front walls need not
be consistently placed, but consistent spacing within the range on
the block is an acceptable approach. Refer to design guideline 5.1
and Figures 4.1 and 5.1.
Side Setbacks
Provide side setbacks in the range of those seen on a block, within
the provisions of the zoning standards. Side setbacks typically
range from 2’ to 12’ in Character Area 1. In most cases a larger
setback is provided on one side of a building to allow for vehicular
access from the street and the side setback on the opposite side
Figure 4.1: Locate a building is relatively small. This pattern should be generally maintained. If
within the range of established
front and side yard setbacks vehicular access from the street is not possible, providing small
on a block. The top photo setbacks on both sides of a building is appropriate. Where an
illustrates an inappropriate front alley is present and vehicular access is provided from the alley, the
yard setback because it does side setbacks should reflect the pattern of neighboring buildings.
not follow the established front Refer to design guideline 5.1 and Figure 5.1.
and side setbacks; the bottom
photo illustrates an appropriate Orientation
placement of a new building that Ensure that all buildings are oriented to face the street. Buildings
responds to the existing consistent should also be oriented to be parallel to the street. Refer to
front and side yard setbacks. design guidelines 5.6-5.9 and Figures 4.2, 5.1 and 5.4.
Figure 4.2: Building Orientation
Ensure that all buildings are oriented to face the street. Buildings should also be oriented to be parallel to the street.
36 Healdsburg Citywide Design Guidelines