Page 48 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 48
Character Area 2: Mid-Century
Two separate neighborhoods have Character Area 2 designations.
The larger area (2b) is located north of Character Area 1, and is
roughly defined by Powell Street to the south, Healdsburg Avenue
to the west, Paul Wittke to the north and Sunnyside to the east.
An additional, smaller area classified as Character Area 2 (2a) is
located in the southeast of the City. It is approximately defined
by South Fitch Mountain to the north, Hemlock Drive to the east,
the Russian River/the City’s boundary to the south, and Falcon
Way to the west. A small portion of Character Area 2a extends
north from South Fitch Mountain Road along Hidden Acres Road,
incorporating parcels on either side of the road.
Character Area 2 primarily contains single-family homes with
some small-scale multi-family development. Homes have modest
setbacks which results in small front yards. Buildings are oriented
toward the street with façades parallel to the street. Garages are
attached and project forward of the entry or are set flush with the
front wall. A pathway from the entrance connects to the driveway
KEY DESIGN in 2a and to the driveway or the street in 2b.
OBJECTIVES FOR Single-family homes in Character Area 2 are generally low- to
medium-scale in height. Most are one story; however, some
• Ensure considerable degree homes contain a partial second story that is located at the back
of compatibility with site of the structure or to one side. Typically, the front entrance is
development patterns
• Continue the established rhythm recessed and covered. The front wall of a house has a small
of front and side yards amount of articulation (design elements that add visual interest)
• Reflect existing building and low transparency (few windows) due to the location of the
orientation pattern of structures garage at the front of the building. Homes in this Area also have
that are oriented to and parallel low-pitched roofs.
with the street
• Construct buildings that are one-
to two-story Note that Character Areas 2a and 2b are labeled differently
• Provide a pathway between the for ease of geographical reference and do not indicate that
front entrance and the driveway separate design guidelines should be followed for each portion of
or the public realm Character Area 2.
• Minimize the visibility of garages
from the street
• Where it is consistent with the
existing context, permit garages
closer to the street
40 Healdsburg Citywide Design Guidelines