Page 52 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 52
Character Area 3: Suburban
Character Area 3 is comprised of four small areas throughout
Healdsburg, one of which is on the west side of the city and
three of which are on the east side of the city. The northern-
most district is a developing infill area adjacent to industrial
uses located near the intersection of Chiquita Road and Grove
Street; the second section is to the south and east adjacent to
Healdsburg District Hospital and surrounded by other residential
Character Areas;, the third section is farther south and is bordered
by Oak Mound Cemetery, the Tayman Park Golf Course, Badger
Park and Healdsburg’s Elementary School; the final portion is
located close to Healdsburg’s southern tip, bordered by the
Russian River, Highway 101 and commercial development.
Streets in Character Area 3 are often curvilinear, with some cul-de-
sacs. The diverse street pattern creates a variation in lot sizes and
shapes, although the majority of the lots are small to medium in
size. Homes in Character Area 3 are minimally set back from the
street. The modest front setback of a single-family home creates
KEY DESIGN a small front yard, which is further minimized by the presence
OBJECTIVES FOR of a driveway from the front-loaded garage to the street. The
remainder of the front yard is landscaped. Often, a pathway
connects the front entrance to the driveway.
• Encourage flexibility in design for
all infill projects Typically the front-loaded, projecting garage defines the image
• Continue the established rhythm of the house from the public realm, although there is some
of front and side yards where
there is one variety found in placement. A small front porch or stoop typically
• Reflect existing building defines the main entryway. A steeply pitched roof is common. Few
orientation pattern of structures architectural details are used.
that are oriented to and parallel
with the street
• Construct buildings that are one- Note that Character Areas 3a, 3b, 3c and 3d are labeled
or two-stories, depending on the differently for ease of geographical reference and do not indicate
context that separate design guidelines should be followed for each
• Minimize the visibility of garages portion of Character Area 3.
from the street
• Where it is consistent with the
existing context, permit garages
closer to the street
44 Healdsburg Citywide Design Guidelines