Page 54 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 54
Key Site Design Elements in
Character Area 3: Suburban Residential
Note that the following site design elements are applicable in
Character Area 3a, 3b, 3c and 3d.
Building Placement
Place the building to be highly consistent with front setbacks
established on a block, where consistency in existing building
placement exists. The specific placement pattern varies based on
location within Character Area 3. See design guideline 5.1 and
Figure 4.8.
Side Setbacks
Provide side setbacks that are similar to those on the block,
where consistency in side setbacks of existing buildings exists.
Side setbacks should be very similar on each side of the building.
Setbacks may differ on properties located on a curvilinear
segment of a block. See design guideline 5.1 and Figure 5.1.
Figure 4.8: Locate a building
within the range of established
front and side yard setbacks on a Orientation
block. The context in the above Ensure that all buildings are oriented to face the street. Buildings
models illustrates a consistent should be oriented to be parallel to the street. See design
front and side yard setback. guidelines 5.6-5.9 and Figure 5.4.
The top photo illustrates an
inappropriate front yard setback Garage Placement
because it does not follow the In Character Area 3, garages are typically placed forward of the
established setback; the bottom primary structure, flush (even) with the front wall, or in limited
photo illustrates an appropriate cases recessed behind the front wall. Most garages in Character
placement of a new building that
responds to the existing consistent Area 3d are located behind the primary structure. Where there is
front yard setback. a high level of consistency in garage placement on a block, the
building form should reflect that consistency, regardless of the
garage placement. Where garage locations vary and building
forms vary, more flexibility is permitted in the placement of the
garage. See design guidelines 5.10 and 5.11, and Figures 5.6 and
46 Healdsburg Citywide Design Guidelines