Page 122 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
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        This Existing City data book highlights key indicators and background information about Littleton as it is today. Preparing
        this booklet was step one in the 2019 Envision Littleton efforts to prepare a new Comprehensive Plan and create a first-
        ever Transportation Master Plan (TMP).

        The content of this data book is based on initial background studies to date by the City’s community planning consultant,
        Kendig Keast Collaborative. The intent is to avoid duplication of available, more extensive profiles of Littleton. Instead,
        the booklet focuses on selected data points that speak to community values and priorities expressed by residents and
        other stakeholders as input to the Envision Report adopted by City Council in December 2018. Narrative within each
        section notes how a data point further validates aspects of the Envision Report and/or highlights essential planning
        considerations for the years ahead.

        The information in this data book is presented in topic areas
        relevant to the City’s Comprehensive Plan for guiding Littleton’s   DATA BOOK ELEMENTS
        ongoing physical evolution and enhancement as listed to the right.
        While transportation and mobility are key influences in describing    Historical Timeline and Growth of Littleton
        the existing conditions in Littleton, the data relative to
        transportation and mobility is included in a separate TMP data    Littleton Recognitions and Overall Satisfaction
        book and will be incorporated into all of the future phases of    People
        Envision Littleton.
                                         Along with the data book
         The U.S. Census Bureau is the   focus, another essential        Heritage
         primary source of Existing City   activity in the Existing City
         data except where otherwise     phase was to complete an        Environment
         noted in this data book.        inventory of the current land    Recreation and Tourism
                                         use and development pattern
        in Littleton. The resulting inventory map and findings, along with    Jobs, Employers, and Tax Base
        the philosophy behind a character-based approach to land use
        planning, are contained in a separate report, Community          Utilities and Public Facilities
        Character Framework for Land Use.
                                                                         APPENDIX: Existing Land Use and Character

        After considering current conditions, comprehensive plans are primarily future-oriented and prescribe goals, policies, and
        objectives that are intended to advance a set of preferred conditions. Community needs and desires in Littleton for the
        next 20 years, through 2040, will be pursued through the upcoming Future City phase of the planning process and include
        a community-driven engagement process.
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