Page 16 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 16


               INPUT                                                                         GOAL H&N 1

                                                                   Guiding Principle   Regarding quantity and diversity
                                                                                            of housing options.
             “Littleton needs a          CORE VALUE                                         POLICY H&N 1
             range and mix of          Being inclusive.                                Encouraging an array of new
                                                                                        and redeveloped housing.
              housing choice.”
                                                                                           ACTION H&N 11
                                                                  Connected            New strategies and incentives
                                                                                       through zoning/code update.

               INPUT                                                                        GOAL HART 1
                                                                   Guiding Principle     Regarding preserved and
                                                                                      enhanced public green spaces.
              “The walking                                                                 POLICY HART 1
              trails and High            CORE VALUE
             promote a healthy          The outdoors.                                  Maintaining partnerships with
             Line Canal area
                                                                                        key agencies and entities.
            lifestyle and should
              be maintained.”                                                             ACTION HART 14
                                                                                         Missing links in local and
                                                                                          regional trail networks.

               INPUT                                                                         GOAL L&C 3

                                                                   Guiding Principle   Regarding keeping land use and
                                                                                      transportation planning in sync.
                                         CORE VALUE
              “Collecting as                                                                POLICY S&D 4
              many voices as                 Civic                                     Continuing dialogue through
             possible is crucial         involvement.                                  special area planning efforts.
             to the process.”

                                                                                            ACTION S&D 6
                                                                    Engaged             Partnership opportunities in
                                                                                     specific geographic areas of city.

                                                    Adopted October 15, 2019
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