Page 44 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 44
This designation is for properties in commercial retail, office, and service uses along and near a high-profile roadway
corridor where mixed-use development outcomes are desired and encouraged. The mix of uses includes residential,
especially to provide additional housing options and price points within the community. Major public and/or institutional
facilities may also serve as development anchors within the area.
Not all properties within this designation will be viable for or result in mixed-use outcomes given their size, location,
and/or market position. Therefore, a range of typical stand-alone uses is anticipated as in the Suburban Commercial and
Auto-Oriented Commercial designations that are also shown along portions of Littleton’s major roadway network. Relative
to these other designations, however, Corridor Mixed Use is particularly intended to recognize fundamental paradigm
shifts occurring in the development models for residential, retail, office, and hospitality uses, leading to even greater focus
on “destination” developments that creatively mix uses, integrate amenities, and emphasize quality design. Whatever the
approach for a particular property in Corridor Mixed Use, the design of the site and its use(s) should be compatible with
the Suburban or Urban mixed-use character established or emerging in its vicinity, avoid proliferating Auto Urban
character in areas intended to transition toward other character types, and provide adequate protections and buffering
at points of transition between differing character types.
Segment of Littleton Boulevard, east of Windemere Street, with existing use variety and the potential
for better integrated, more pedestrian- and bike-oriented mixed-use outcomes through redevelopment.
Primary Land Use Types
• Commercial retail and service uses, at varying scales and development intensities depending on the physical
characteristics of the particular corridor, and of a specific site and its adjacent uses.
• Offices (involving large and/or multi-story buildings or small-scale office uses depending on the physical characteristics
of the particular corridor, and of a specific site and its adjacent uses).
• Live/work units.
• Multi-unit attached residential, whether for rent (apartments) or ownership (condominiums, townhomes, row houses,
etc.), and whether permitted by zoning as a stand-alone use or only as a component of mixed-use development.
• Pre-existing areas of single-family detached homes and manufactured home developments.
• Planned development to accommodate custom site designs and/or mixing of uses.
As elaborated on further in the Special Areas and Design section (where the Special Corridor Planning Areas on the
map are also discussed), the nature of Corridor Mixed Use will vary across the different roadway environments where
it appears on the Future Land Use and Character Map (Map 1). Along Littleton Boulevard, an atmosphere more amenable
Adopted October 15, 2019