Page 47 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 47
This designation involves the most intensively developed area of a community in terms of the greatest coverage of
sites with building footprints and the least amount of private development area devoted to off-street surface parking and
landscaped open space. Instead, most parking is accommodated on-street and/or within public parking areas or
structures. This enables most streets and other public spaces to be framed by buildings with zero or minimal front
setbacks, creating “architectural enclosure” versus the progressively more open feel in other character areas (Auto Urban,
Suburban, etc.). These elements, along with a predominance of mixed uses, make the Urban downtown area the most
conducive for pedestrian activity and interaction. Public plazas and pocket parks provide green space amid the Urban
environment and a place to gather and host community events, along with periodic street closures. Adding to the appeal
of Downtown Littleton are two historic district designations (national and local) and numerous designated sites, including
Town Hall and the recently designated Post Office on the National Register of Historic Places. City-adopted design
standards also influence development outcomes and building renovations in the area.
Primarily Urban character in Downtown Littleton (looking southwest), along with pockets of surface parking.
Primary Land Use Types
• Mixed uses, on single sites and within individual buildings.
• Residential space above commercial or office uses.
• Detached residential dwellings on relatively small lots.
• Attached residential types (e.g., townhomes, brownstones, apartments, condos, etc.).
• Live/work units.
• Commercial retail and services.
• Offices.
• Entertainment (e.g., restaurants, pubs, live music venues, theater, cinema, etc.).
• Parking structures and limited public or commercial surface parking areas.
Adopted October 15, 2019