Page 52 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 52


          Policy L&C 4: Create a regulatory framework that signals the City’s interest in attracting target business sectors,
          needed and compatible revenue-generating uses, and lifestyle and leisure uses that support Littleton’s livability and
          residents’ quality of life.
          Policy L&C 5: Manage land use patterns near Littleton’s many parks, trails, greenways, and open spaces to: protect
          their ecological functions; prevent physical and other impactful encroachments; maintain public access; and preserve
          their overall quality and value – especially where public green spaces contribute to neighborhood character and
          enhance business park and other commercial settings.
          Policy L&C 6: Recognize and promote land use and development decisions that further community objectives for
          reduced traffic congestion, more pedestrian- and cyclist-friendly design, and expanded and viable public transit options.
          Policy L&C 7: Promote Littleton’s aesthetic appeal through the quality expectations set within the City’s Code for
          landscaping, signage, lighting, and similar design elements.

        Capital Investments

          Action L&C 1: Add criteria to the City’s capital improvements planning process to ensure that potential interaction
          between public investments and land use outcomes or evolution is considered when identifying and prioritizing
          candidate capital projects.
          Action L&C 2: Explore opportunities to link the design and construction of specific capital projects to community
          beautification objectives.
        Programs and Initiatives

          Action L&C 3: Maintain fiscal impact analysis tools, customized to Littleton, for evaluating the potential net benefits to
          City government of specific land use scenarios and as an essential input to related decision-making.
        Regulations and Standards

          Action L&C 4: Complete an all-encompassing and thorough review and update of the City’s zoning and related
          development regulations and standards, particularly to consider ways to address key issues and gaps illuminated by
          Plan discussions.
          Action L&C 5: As part of the City’s zoning and code update initiative:
            •  Add new or amend current provisions that are directly linked to actions in other plan sections related to housing
              attainability, neighborhood conservation, business retention and attraction, leisure and lifestyle related land uses,
              transit support, a more pedestrian- and cycling-friendly community, and park and open space protection – and
              consider incentive-based techniques for guiding development applicants toward desired outcomes.
            •  Pursue a character-based zoning approach, which factors into the stated purposes and design of zoning districts
              along with various specific regulating elements (e.g., residential densities and nonresidential intensities; minimum
              lot and site areas; building setback, placement and orientation on sites and associated front/side/rear yard depths;
              building heights, including in relation to adjacent buildings and uses; lot and site coverage by buildings and other
              physical improvements; off-street parking quantities, design and screening; etc.).
            •  Incorporate more effective provisions for buffering between differing character types and land use intensities, and
              integrate such provisions with overall landscaping, screening, and site and building design standards.

            •  Consider alternative methods and provisions for promoting and achieving creative land development and
              redevelopment approaches other than through the traditional “Planned Development” mechanism, which can be
              excessively time-consuming, costly and unpredictable for the City, development applicants, and neighbors and
              interested residents.
            •  Incorporate provisions to promote quality site and building design that enhances community aesthetics.

                                                    Adopted October 15, 2019
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