Page 55 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 55
Housing needs, gaps, and challenges in Littleton are central to this Plan. A key component of a city’s livability is whether
its residents can find suitable and economical housing options at all stages of life to remain in the community they love.
Littleton also must offer quality and sustainable neighborhoods, the elements of which – safe streets, great schools,
nearby shopping, and parks and trails, among others – cut across all parts of this Plan.
While the development of new residences and the rehabilitation of older housing occurs primarily through the private
sector, municipal government and other public and non-profit partners have essential roles to play. The City and other
partners protect residential investments over time, and strong neighborhoods support the local economy and tax base.
Having a diverse stock of housing – new and old, big and small, ownership and rental – is crucial for offering choice and
providing for the individual needs of all households, regardless of economic conditions.
• City of Littleton Neighborhood and Corridor Plans, 2016
• Downtown Neighborhood Plan, 2011
• Littleton Housing Overview, 2013
• City of Littleton Housing Study, 2017
• South Metro Housing Options (SMHO) Annual Public Housing Agency (PHA) Plan, 2017
• Affordability challenges for existing and potential new residents with rising home values and rents relative to income
within Littleton and across the Denver region.
• Difficulty of aging in place due to the cost of staying in an existing residence, dispersed support systems, or inability to
find other available, viable housing options to transition into within Littleton, especially for those with assisted living or
special care needs.
• Age of housing stock and opportunities for its revitalization, but also challenges for those who cannot afford to maintain
or upgrade their homes.
• Concerns over residential density and effects on area character as neighborhoods evolve with new or more intensive
housing forms.
• Concern for a potential loss of demographic diversity (by age, race/ethnicity, income level, etc.) driven by unattainable
housing choices and/or neighborhood gentrification in Littleton.
• Needed strategies and partnering approaches to prevent and reduce homelessness in Littleton and surrounding
communities, recognizing its complex nature as more than just a housing issue.
• Need for ongoing code compliance in older areas of Littleton.
GOAL H&N 1: A quantity and diversity of housing options that makes living in Littleton attainable for a wide range of
age groups and income levels.
GOAL H&N 2: Appealing housing choices for families drawn by Littleton’s educational, recreational, and other
GOAL H&N 3: Neighborhoods that are safe and comfortable for all residents.
GOAL H&N 4: Neighborhoods that maintain their character or are carefully managed when headed toward transition.
Adopted October 15, 2019