Page 63 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 63
In making decisions that involve public resource allocation, regulatory matters, and physical improvements, among others,
Littleton will:
Policy TMP 1: Focus on enhancing safety on auto and freight networks.
Policy TMP 2: Advance regional partnerships to build consensus and leverage funding toward significant
transportation projects.
Policy TMP 3: Provide automobile Level of Service (LOS) E or better on Suburban Connectors and Commercial
Corridors and LOS D or better on all other streets.
Policy TMP 4: Enhance auto and freight network projects that lead to operational and safety improvements.
Policy TMP 5: Enhance the safety of vulnerable user groups on streets and trails.
Policy TMP 6: Support connections to employment, retail, and entertainment/recreation land uses given the
Policy TMP 7: Develop street design and construction standards that prioritize safety and mobility over speed.
Policy TMP 8: Develop a Transportation Demand Management Plan as a tool to help reduce congestion.
Policy TMP 9: Periodically update the truck route map.
Policy TMP 10: Develop a Complete Networks Plan.
Policy TMP 11: Implement a comprehensive bicycle and pedestrian count program similar to the vehicle count
program. Consider installation of permanent continuous counters in key locations and as part of upcoming projects.
Policy TMP 12: Consider installing an all ages and abilities bicycle facility for every new bicycle project. All ages and
abilities bicycle facilities are low-stress for all potential users, including children and seniors.
Policy TMP 13: Update City Code to address burgeoning micromobility industry. Include operating rules such as
number of permits, speed limits, whether users should use sidewalks, bike lanes, or general purpose lanes depending
on speeds, and establish restricted areas.
Policy TMP 14: Consider including bicycle and pedestrian facility upgrades as part of every infrastructure project,
including resurfacing projects. Develop a resurfacing checklist that considers bicycle facilities:
Policy TMP 15: Consider bicycle and pedestrian detection for signal actuation in every new traffic signal installation.
Policy TMP 16: Maintain a fleet of smaller snow removal vehicles to plow trails, shared use paths, and protected bike
Policy TMP 17: Update City Code to require residents/businesses to clear sidewalks within 24 hours; existing code
states, “within a reasonable time after every snowfall”.
Policy TMP 18: Evaluate existing sidewalk policy/code.
Policy TMP 19: In development proposals, limit curb cuts along proposed planned bicycle and pedestrian routes.
Policy TMP 20: Require maintaining clear sidewalks or bicycle lanes during building or street construction or provide a
Policy TMP 21: Encourage new developments to provide secure indoor parking and other end-of-trip facilities for
Policy TMP 22: Encourage development to utilize grid street networks and limit the use of cul-de-sacs.
Policy TMP 23: Advocate for maintenance and enhancement of existing RTD bus and rail service in Littleton.
Policy TMP 24: Improve ADA connections and trip-planning services connecting to fixed-route transit network.
Policy TMP 25: Develop mobility hubs at key stops and stations to promote mode choice and technological integration.
Adopted October 15, 2019