Page 68 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 68
In making decisions that involve public resource allocation, regulatory matters, and physical improvements, among others,
Littleton will:
Policy I&S 1: Commit to a robust yearly program of capital improvements, as its financial means allow, while avoiding a
deferred maintenance approach when resources are limited that causes unmet needs to accumulate and become more
Policy I&S 2: Remain an active and reliable partner in interlocal and interagency approaches to operation and oversight
of essential infrastructure, and public facilities and services, including with South Platte Water Renewal Partners,
Denver Water, the Mile High Flood District, and South Metro Fire Rescue, among others.
Policy I&S 3: Link capital improvements planning and project prioritization to the City’s economic development agenda
and tax base needs, especially where public infrastructure investments will leverage complementary private investment
in support of this Plan and other adopted City plans.
Policy I&S 4: Be a prepared and resilient community with City infrastructure and services that can recover quickly from
the effects of severe weather and natural hazards, and which manages growth and development to reduce risks.
Policy I&S 5: Pursue multi-objective drainage design solutions, where appropriate, that integrate open space,
recreational, and aesthetic considerations while maintaining public safety.
Policy I&S 6: Be a leader among Colorado cities in managing and maintaining public infrastructure and facilities, and in
learning about and adopting best practices, green infrastructure, and new technologies.
Capital Investments
Action I&S 1: Continue ongoing infrastructure maintenance, rehabilitation efforts, and upgrades through the City’s
capital projects planning and budgeting process.
Action I&S 2: Utilize the results of recent asset management planning efforts and the Impact Fee Update study to
refine facility maintenance and improvement priorities, determine funding needs, and identify potential sources of
Programs and Initiatives
Action I&S 3: Continue adequate funding to maintain high-quality police services in line with continued population
growth and development and other indicators of policing coverage, response time, and service level.
Action I&S 4: Continue the City’s participation in the Community Rating System under the National Flood Insurance
Program, particularly for the potential benefits for resident and business insurance premium costs.
Action I&S 5: Expand outreach to owners of residential and commercial properties regarding their property’s floodplain
mapping status and flooding risk, their flood insurance options, and how changes in the built environment can
exacerbate flooding risk posed by proximity to streams and water bodies.
Action I&S 6: Raise awareness and provide educational resources regarding how a property’s flood zone classification
can limit renovation and improvements to existing structures, and after a damaging storm, could restrict reconstruction
of structures deemed substantially damaged or otherwise limit redevelopment. Target initial outreach in some of the
city’s oldest and currently most affordable neighborhoods (e.g., northeast Littleton), where property improvements and
public or private redevelopment efforts could be hindered.
Regulations and Standards
Action I&S 7: As part of the City’s zoning and code update initiative, evaluate the potential for integrating any new or
adjusted hazard mitigation considerations related to wildfire, flooding, drought, and other hazards.
Adopted October 15, 2019