Page 71 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 71
Continued economic opportunity and prosperity in Littleton will bolster the community’s tax base to support quality public
services and amenities. The City’s development strategies and implementation tools must be nimble and flexible enough
to respond to a dynamic economic climate at the local, regional, and national levels. Successful economic development
also requires a focus on quality of place, capitalizing on Littleton’s special character and unique identity to attract and
retain businesses and draw visitors seeking shopping, services, entertainment, recreation, arts and culture, and heritage
• City of Littleton Economic Plan, 2013
• City of Littleton Annual Economic Development Report, 2018
• The long-term fiscal sustainability of the City of Littleton.
• The tax base implications from conversion of existing commercial properties to residential use.
• Increased cost of living and tax implications for residents, and return on residential and business investments in
• Vacant and inadequately maintained retail centers and spaces and the adverse effect on Littleton’s image and investor
• Concern about loss of small, independent businesses.
• Challenges to redevelopment in Littleton, especially involving older vacant and underutilized commercial sites.
• Whether Littleton is positioned for and can attract significant “Class A” (high quality) office development, which is a
minimal share of its current land use pattern.
• Desire for additional visitor lodging options.
GOAL E&T 1: A focus on the revenue needs of Littleton City government to continue meeting the public service
expectations of its residents, businesses, and institutions.
GOAL E&T 2: Continued nurturing of key employment sectors, target industries, and small businesses that expand
local job opportunities and contribute to better incomes for those who live and/or work in Littleton.
GOAL E&T 3: Revitalized commercial centers and areas that alleviate obsolete conditions and vacant sites and that
meet the contemporary shopping and service needs of Littleton residents and visitors.
GOAL E&T 4: Provision of resources, services, and a conducive regulatory environment to help businesses of all
sizes develop and grow.
GOAL E&T 5: A commitment to education at all levels that meets the workforce needs of area businesses and
ensures lifelong learning and skills acquisition opportunities for residents and visitors.
In making decisions that involve public resource allocation, regulatory matters, and physical improvements, among others,
Littleton will:
Policy E&T 1: Maintain City official and public awareness of the financial challenges the City faces in meeting the high,
and increasingly costly, public service expectations of a largely residential community.
Adopted October 15, 2019