Page 73 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 73
Action E&T 10: Assist small businesses to navigate code requirements and other potential challenges to locating in
and renovating spaces within older and/or historic structures.
Partnerships and Coordination
Action E&T 11: Continue active participation in regional
economic development organizations to advance Littleton’s Partners for implementation of plan priorities
interests. related to Economy and Tax Base include:
Neighboring jurisdictions and Arapahoe,
Action E&T 12: Continue to foster relationships with and
support local economic development organizations including the Douglas, and Jefferson Counties
recently established Littleton Business Chamber. Arapahoe Community College
Arapahoe/Douglas WORKS!
Action E&T 13: Continue to strengthen and grow partnerships Aspen Grove
with education and workforce training providers, including
Littleton Public Schools, Arapahoe Community College, medical Area real estate and development community
institutions and others. Denver Regional Council of Governments
Denver South Economic Development
Action E&T 14: Continue to engage property owners and
developers, keeping abreast of their plans and desires for their Partnership
property. Historic Downtown Littleton Merchants
Action E&T 15: Utilize the City’s newly established Next
Generation Advisory Committee as a sounding board for Littleton Business Chamber
economic development priorities and potential strategies amid Local entrepreneurs and home-based
Littleton’s evolving demographic and economic environment. businesses
Littleton Optimists Club
More Targeted Planning / Study Littleton Public Schools
Action E&T 16: Prepare a full Economic Development Plan, Littleton Rotary Club
building upon the 2013 Economic Plan, to identify tools and Area faith community
strategies that will capitalize on Littleton’s strengths to attract, Metro Denver Economic Development
retain, and grow businesses and target industries. The plan can Corporation
examine gaps in retail and other business sectors and assess Regional Transportation District
leakage in retail sales and revenue. The plan can also help South Metro Denver Chamber of Commerce
guide the development of vacant land, infill development and SouthPark Owners Association
redevelopment, and revitalization of key roadway corridors. The
plan should also include links to planning for arts and culture,
historic preservation, and tourism promotion in the Heritage, Arts, Recreation, and Tourism section of this Plan.
Action E&T 17: Using input from existing local businesses, pursue a strategic marketing plan based on identified
assets, advantages, and services that can help attract targeted new businesses and retail customers to Littleton.
Adopted October 15, 2019