Page 78 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 78
Action HART 22: Complete regular updates to the Parks, Recreation and Trails Master Plan, highlight implementation
progress and successes – especially through partnership efforts, and continue to communicate Littleton’s park,
recreation, trail, and open space priorities to funding partners.
Action HART 23: Lay the groundwork for preparing a holistic
historic preservation plan and strategy for ongoing preservation POTENTIAL PARTNERS
efforts in Littleton, involving broad community engagement to
gauge resident, property owner and stakeholder sentiment on Partners for implementation of plan priorities
the methods and extent to which the City should utilize available related to Heritage, Arts, Recreation, and Tourism
preservation tools. include:
Action HART 24: Use the City’s initiatives to update its zoning Neighboring jurisdictions and Arapahoe,
and development regulations and pursue further downtown- Douglas, and Jefferson Counties
focused planning as precursors to a historic preservation plan. Aspen Grove
Action HART 25: Coordinate with partner organizations to Colorado Tourism Office
prepare for development of a holistic Arts and Culture Plan Denver Regional Council of Governments
for Littleton. The plan can include identification of new and High Line Canal Conservancy
sustaining funding sources, and explore a potential advisory Historic Littleton, Inc.
committee to coordinate across all aspects of programming, Hudson Gardens
promotion, and development.
Littleton Public Schools
Scientific and Cultural Facilities District
South Platte Working Group
South Suburban Park and Recreation District
Tri-County Health Department
Trust for Public Land
Adopted October 15, 2019