Page 83 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 83
Regulations and Standards
Action ENV 8: Update the City’s municipal code, zoning, subdivision regulations, and engineering standards to ensure
that storm water management, grading and erosion control, and post-construction pollution prevention measures reflect
best management practices.
Action ENV 9: Update the City’s zoning and subdivision
regulations so that landscaping requirements reflect best POTENTIAL PARTNERS
management practices for plant and tree selection, xeriscaping,
irrigation design, water use, and maintenance. Partners for implementation of plan priorities
Action ENV 10: As part of the City’s zoning and code update related to the Environment include:
initiative, evaluate the potential for: Neighboring jurisdictions and Arapahoe,
Douglas, and Jefferson Counties
• Promoting – and potentially incentivizing – Low Impact Chatfield Watershed Authority
Development (LID) strategies, tools, and techniques.
Colorado Department of Public Health and
• Upgrading standards for buffering of natural resource and Environment
open space areas. Colorado Open Lands
• Developing tree canopy protection provisions and updated Colorado Parks and Wildlife
landscaping standards, including consideration of code Colorado Preservation, Inc.
changes necessary to accommodate potential graywater Colorado Stormwater Council
re-use for landscape irrigation (which would also require a Colorado Water Conservation Board
City program that meets State of Colorado requirements). Denver Regional Air Quality Council
• Promoting – and potentially incentivizing – alternative Denver Regional Council of Governments
energy sources in new development and redevelopment, Denver Water
installation of electric vehicle charging stations at offices High Line Canal Conservancy
and commercial sites, and other environmental stewardship Hudson Gardens
Littleton Public Schools
• Incorporating “dark skies” standards to reduce glare and Mile High Flood District (formerly known as
spillover from outdoor lighting, including on residential Urban Drainage and Flood Control District)
properties and at public facilities.
South Metro Land Conservancy
Partnerships and Coordination South Platte River Metro Roundtable
South Platte Working Group
Action ENV 11: Continue and enhance partnerships with local South Suburban Park and Recreation District
and regional organizations advancing air quality objectives and State Historic Preservation Office
Tri-County Health Department
Action ENV 12: Collaborate with the South Suburban Park and US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
Recreation District and other partners to continue to prioritize
active habitat, vegetation, wildlife, water resource, and visitor management measures for South Platte Park as detailed
in the South Platte Park Management Plan.
Action ENV 13: Evaluate the potential for water conservation measures in Littleton’s parks, in coordination with the
South Suburban Park and Recreation District, including possible use of synthetic turf on sports fields in some instances.
More Targeted Planning / Study
Action ENV 14: As recommended in the 2013 South Platte River Corridor Vision, work with partners to pursue the
following studies:
• South Platte corridor water quality opportunities study.
• South Platte corridor-wide habitat study.
• South Platte fishing management plan.
Adopted October 15, 2019