Page 87 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 87


                      The river corridor, along with the present-day           The natural habitat setting of the stretch of
                        BNSF railroad, are defining physical elements          South Platte River that runs through Littleton,
                      around which Littleton has developed. The Platte         and the substantial preserved acreage within
                        River, in particular, is a central component of what   South Platte Park, are a result of Littleton’s
                      makes Littleton a special place and is a draw for        forethinking past civic leaders after the floods
                        both residents and visitors.                           of the 1960s.

                      Santa Fe Drive, which runs            The Mary Carter Greenway               Feedback and
                      parallel to the river, can be         Trail, South Platte Park, the          dialogue throughout
                      a barrier to accessing and            Carson Nature Center, and              the Envision process
                      enjoying the river corridor.          Hudson Gardens are among               reaffirmed the
                      Improving and maintaining             the features that attract              importance of the
                      connections between                   outdoor recreation enthusiasts,        river corridor to
                      Downtown and the river is             bicycle commuters, and nature          Littleton residents.
                      a priority.                           lovers to the river corridor.

                                                    Adopted October 15, 2019
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