Page 86 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 86
Both the Comprehensive Plan and the City’s first-ever Transportation Master Plan have focused especially on key
corridors within and through Littleton. Along with traffic conditions along Santa Fe Drive, the community’s cherished river
corridor was the one touched on in most every planning conversation.
As a legacy of past planning, the river and Santa Fe
ISSUES AND PRIORITIES corridors have had their share of both “successes” and
“fails” over recent decades. One observer summed up the
Both the river and Santa Fe corridors are where so many outlook for the area in this way: “The corridor is composed
essential issues and priorities for Littleton’s future of multiple [public and private] property owners with
converge, including: differing expectations.”
Environmental protection
“South Platte Park is a national
Downtown enhancement
precedent-setting park. It is a highly
River and greenway accessibility valued recreational amenity, and also one
Park and trail enhancement of the best wildlife habitats in the Denver
metro area. With more development
Open space and view preservation around the park, we are seeing more
Traffic management and bicycle/pedestrian circulation varied users and more usage.”
Last remaining large pieces of undeveloped land in city Resource agency representative
Housing needs and opportunities
Potential for river- and trail-oriented development in an
era of “destination retail”
City’s tax base and long-term financial sustainability “The number 1, 2 and 3 most important
Community image and aesthetics issues facing Littleton are the Santa Fe
corridor. But don’t mess with the river – pay
Diverse needs and wants in a city with transitioning
demographics attention to the river. A lot of development
has ignored the river and is disjointed up
How upgraded zoning and development standards and down the corridor. We need cohesion
could enhance corridor management with what is left. We could have dynamic
development that is a sub-regional draw for
shopping, entertainment and living.”
City advisory board member
“Will land uses and transportation
conditions in the area become
prohibitive to [my business]
continuing here?”
Santa Fe Drive business owner
Adopted October 15, 2019