Page 82 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 82
In making decisions that involve public resource allocation, regulatory matters, and physical improvements, among others,
Littleton will:
Policy ENV 1: Provide regional leadership to protect and enhance the South Platte River, including its water quality,
associated greenways and trails, nearby development, and well-managed access for public enjoyment.
Policy ENV 2: Be a committed partner, with state and regional agencies, organizations, and other area cities, in
planning and executing programs and public education that will improve regional air quality and satisfy Clean Air Act
targets and requirements.
Policy ENV 3: Continue to be a leader in promoting and incentivizing wise water use, water-saving measures, and
water conservation and re-use.
Policy ENV 4: Apply its stewardship ethic enthusiastically, in collaboration with other public agencies, private interests,
and the non-profit sector, to ensure that the city’s extensive public and private open space remains a defining and well-
managed facet of Littleton.
Policy ENV 5: Include habitat protection among its community planning considerations, recognizing that wildlife
presence and movement within the city is a continuing reality and part of a healthy natural environment.
Policy ENV 6: Reduce excessive noise and outdoor lighting levels.
Policy ENV 7: Continue to explore viable and cost-effective ways to assist Littleton residents and businesses in
reducing their solid waste generation, and to offer expanded recycling options.
Policy ENV 8: Encourage energy efficiency and other “green” building practices, including adaptive reuse whenever
Capital Investments
Action ENV 1: Budget funds for land acquisition and other open space preservation opportunities that will help maintain
floodplains and drainage ways, as recommended by the Open Space and Parks Task Force.
Programs and Initiatives
Action ENV 2: Utilize best management practices for City-maintained open spaces and facilities, such as efficient
mowing, xeriscape (i.e., low-water, low-maintenance, and native plantings), reduced pesticide use, energy and water
conservation, and measures to promote ride-sharing, use of alternative commuting options, and use of alternative
energy vehicles.
Action ENV 3: Keep abreast of water conservation best management practices and promote wise water use throughout
the community, including through related grant opportunities.
Action ENV 4: Evaluate the potential to expand recycling and composting availability for Littleton residents, businesses
and institutions.
Action ENV 5: Leverage the South Platte Volunteer program to advance Action 7 Link:
environmental stewardship education. The High Line Canal
Conservancy’s “Canal
Action ENV 6: Monitor Colorado’s long-term water outlook together with the entire Stormwater Transformation
Denver metropolitan area. and Enhancement Project”
Action ENV 7: Evaluate opportunities to manage storm water through green seeks to manage storm
infrastructure methods on all City-owned properties, in coordination with partners, and water naturally, providing
to demonstrate effective methods for use on private properties. multiple benefits.
Adopted October 15, 2019