Page 77 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 77
Action HART 5: Coordinate with partners to track visitor utilization of recreation facilities, sites, and other types of
Littleton amenities, and monitor changing local, state, and national tourism trends.
Action HART 6: Continue to promote awareness and appreciation of the full range of Littleton’s arts, cultural, and
historic assets through ongoing activities, special events, and partnerships.
Action HART 7: Evaluate opportunities and
partnerships for incorporating art amenities into Action 9 Link:
public projects such as buildings and infrastructure The Creative Districts Certification Process is established by
improvements. the State’s Creative Industries Division. Colorado now has 23
Creative Districts across the state. Greeley’s Creative District
Action HART 8: Continue the Main Street Historic “blends the historic Downtown Development and University
District Grant Program and support the promotion Districts in a continuum of dynamic and complementary uses.”
and continued use of historic tax credits.
Action HART 9: Consider a Littleton application
for Creative District Certification through the State
of Colorado.
Regulations and Standards
Action HART 10: Evaluate the potential for dedicated park and recreation funding through impact fees versus other
options, such as land contributions or other fees, as detailed in the 2016 Parks, Recreation and Trails Master Plan.
Action HART 11: Through the Historic Preservation Board and other forums, continue to build consensus on measures
the City should consider and implement – regulatory and/or otherwise – for preserving more areas and structures with
distinctive historic value and character, along with ongoing protection of previously designated places and identification
of potential new historic districts and landmarks.
Partnerships and Coordination
Action HART 12: Continue and enhance collaboration, communication, and partnerships with the many agencies,
organizations and non-profits that provide and/or advocate for heritage, arts, cultural, recreation, and open space
amenities in Littleton.
Action HART 13: Promote the wellness of residents by collaborating with partner agencies and organizations, and
market Littleton’s many parks and recreation offerings as essential elements of an active lifestyle.
Action HART 14: Pursue ways to close gaps in the existing local and regional trail
systems to improve access and connectivity to jobs, education, fresh food, and Action 14 Link:
health care, among others. Improving High Line Canal Trail
connections at Broadway is
Action HART 15: Work with partners to promote multi-use trail etiquette, safety, identified as one of seven
and education. transformation projects in the
High Line Canal Conservancy
Action HART 16: Engage volunteers and leverage their involvement to increase Framework Plan.
awareness, education, and use of park and recreation amenities, Littleton
Museum, and Bemis Library.
Action HART 17: Improve coordination of signage and wayfinding at parks, recreation sites, trails, and open space
areas, and also within residential neighborhoods and commercial areas.
Action HART 18: Continue to emphasize regional collaboration as the best means for enhancing the South Platte River
corridor as both an environmental and community amenity.
Action HART 19: Investigate with area utility providers the potential to integrate art on utility facilities, such as utility
cabinets in public view.
Action HART 20: Encourage incorporation of art in private developments.
More Targeted Planning / Study
Action HART 21: Build on planning efforts for the South Platte River Corridor to clarify and integrate goals for this key
community asset involving economics, aesthetics, recreation, and the environment.
Adopted October 15, 2019