Page 81 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 81
The quality of land, water, and air resources is essential to the character and livability of a community, especially within a
highly populated, and relatively intensively developed, metropolitan area. Individuals, groups, and governments have a
responsibility to appreciate and assess their respective contributions, both positive and negative, to a shared natural
environment. To be responsible stewards they must determine how best to integrate such considerations into their
planning and decision-making processes.
All the other Plan elements tie to the environment including topics such as: land management through municipal planning
and development regulation; design of housing and neighborhoods; availability of travel options; provision of water,
sanitary sewer, waste disposal, storm drainage, and other public services; and planning for recreation and enjoyment of
the outdoors. Consideration of prudent resource conservation practices requires a holistic view of the community and how
it interacts with, benefits from, and manages the integrity of its natural “infrastructure.”
• City of Littleton Renewal Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) State of Colorado Permit #090055 Program
Description Document (PDD), 2018
• Water Quality Report, Denver Water, 2018
• Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) CO and PM10 Conformity Determination, 2017 Amendments
• DRCOG Denver Southern Subarea 8-Hour Ozone Conformity Determination, 2017 Amendments
• Long-term sustainability of land, water, and air resources.
• Concern for water quantity and quality within the South Platte River and other local waterbodies and waterways.
• Challenges to maintaining the look and feel of the High Line Canal corridor given changes in area water management,
loss of trees along the canal, and other adverse factors.
• Accommodating wildlife within a city of Littleton’s size and human footprint on the landscape.
• Maintaining and enhancing Littleton’s mature tree canopy over time, on both public and private lands.
• Concern over loss of open and green spaces that have preserved a semi-rural atmosphere, maintained mountain views,
and contributed to a Suburban character across portions of the community.
• More noticeable noise levels, and concern over excessive outdoor lighting in developed areas.
• Desire for an improved and integrated approach to solid waste management and waste reduction, including enhanced
recycling and composting.
GOAL ENV 1: Careful monitoring and increased awareness of land, air, and water quality within Littleton’s jurisdiction.
GOAL ENV 2: Commitment to Littleton’s leadership role in contributing to clean water and healthy air across the
Denver metropolitan region.
GOAL ENV 3: Efficient use and conservation of water resources.
GOAL ENV 4: Reduced energy consumption and solid waste generation by residents, businesses, and the City.
GOAL ENV 5: City facilities, vehicle fleet, and public infrastructure that promote Littleton’s environmental resilience
and minimize adverse impacts.
Adopted October 15, 2019