Page 94 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 94


        •  Adopting and amending the Plan, when necessary and appropriate, after recommendation by the Planning Commission
          (and with input from other City Boards/Commissions depending on the subject of a proposed amendment).

        •  Acting as a champion of the Plan.

        •  Establishing the overall implementation priorities and timeframes by which action strategies in the Plan will be initiated
          and completed.

        •  Considering and approving necessary funding commitments.
        •  Directing staff to draft new or amended zoning and subdivision regulations.

        •  Adopting the new or amended zoning and subdivision regulations.

        •  Approving intergovernmental and development agreements that implement the Plan.
        •  Approving projects, activities, and budgets that are consistent with the Plan, during the City’s annual budget process.

        •  Providing policy direction to the Planning Commission, other appointed City boards and commissions, and City staff.

        Planning Commission

        The Planning Commission should take the lead in the following general areas:

        •  Ensuring that recommendations forwarded to the City Council are reflective of Plan goals, policies and priority action

        •  After holding one or more public hearings to discuss new or evolving community issues and needs, making
          recommendations to the City Council regarding plan updates and plan amendments.

        City Staff

        City staff should take the lead in the following general areas:
        •  Managing day-to-day implementation of the Plan, including coordination through an interdepartmental plan
          implementation committee.

        •  Supporting and carrying out capital improvement planning efforts.

        •  Managing the drafting of new or amended zoning and subdivision regulations.
        •  Conducting studies and developing additional special-purpose and/or special area plans.

        •  Reviewing land development applications for consistency with Envision Littleton.
        •  Providing an economic analysis for any proposed rezoning.

        •  Negotiating the specifics of intergovernmental and development agreements.

        •  Administering collaborative programs and ensuring open channels of communication with various private, public, and
          non-profit partners.

        •  Maintaining an inventory of potential plan amendments, as suggested by City staff and others, for consideration during
          annual and periodic plan review and update processes.
        •  Generating and presenting an annual report to the Planning Commission and City Council concerning progress toward
          implementation of Envision Littleton.
        •  Periodically obtaining public input to keep the Plan up to date, using a variety of community outreach methods.

                                                    Adopted October 15, 2019
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