Page 97 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 97
• Recommendations for needed actions, programs, and procedures to be developed and implemented in the coming
• Priority coordination needs with public and private implementation partners.
Biennial Amendment Process
Plan amendments should occur on at least a biennial basis (every two years), allowing for proposed changes to be
considered concurrently so the cumulative effects may be understood. Factors that should be considered in deciding on a
proposed plan amendment include:
• Consistency with the goals, policies, and action strategies in the Plan.
• Potential effects on infrastructure provision including water, wastewater, storm water drainage, and the transportation
• Potential effects on the City’s ability to provide, fund, and maintain services.
• Potential effects on environmentally sensitive and natural areas.
• Whether the proposed amendment contributes to the overall direction and character of the community as captured in
the Plan vision and goals, and reflected in public input.
Five-Year Update / Evaluation and Appraisal Report
An evaluation and appraisal report to City Council should be prepared every five years. This report should be prepared by
City staff with input from City departments, the Planning Commission, and other boards and commissions. The report
process involves evaluating the existing Plan and assessing how successful it has been in achieving the community’s
goals. The report identifies the successes and shortcomings of the Plan, looks at what has changed over the last five
years, and makes recommendations on how the Plan should be modified.
The report should review baseline conditions and assumptions about trends and growth indicators. It should also evaluate
implementation potential and/or obstacles related to any unaddressed major action strategies. The evaluation report and
process should result in a strategy to amend the Plan, including identification of new or revised information that may lead
to updated goals and action strategies.
The report should identify and evaluate:
1. Summary of major actions and interim plan amendments undertaken over the last five years.
2. Current significant issues in the community and how these issues have changed.
3. Changes in the assumptions, trends, and base data in the Existing City Data Book, including:
• The rate at which growth and development is occurring relative to the projections put forward in the Plan.
• Shifts in demographics and other growth trends.
• City-wide attitudes, and whether apparent shifts, if significant, necessitate amendments to the stated goals or action
strategies of the Plan.
• Other changes in political, social, economic, technological, or environmental conditions that indicate a need for Plan
4. Ability of the Plan to continue to support progress toward achieving the community’s goals. The following should be
evaluated and revised as needed:
• Individual sections and statements within the Plan must be reviewed and revised, as necessary, to ensure that the Plan
provides sufficient information and direction to achieve the intended outcome.
• Conflicts between goals and action strategies that have been discovered in the implementation and administration of the
Plan must be pointed out and resolved.
Adopted October 15, 2019