Page 10 - Northville Township
P. 10

Planning Authority

                                                                The State of Michigan outlines the purposes and
                                                                requirements for a master plan that is to be used when
             Along with state statutes, Northville              considering the future of a community. Article III,
             Township operates under a Charter, adopted         Preparation and Adoption of Master Plan, of the Michigan
             in 1985. In addition to officially establishing    Planning Enabling Act, Act 33 of 2008, states:
             the Township, the Charter outlines the duties         “A master plan shall address land use and
             of key individuals, such as the Supervisor            infrastructure issues and may project 20 years or
             and Clerk, and the elected Township Board.            more into the future. A master plan shall include
             Powers, duties, appointment, residence,               maps, plats, charts, and descriptive, explanatory, and
                                                                   other related matter and shall show the planning
             qualifications and compensation are among             commission’s recommendations for the physical
             the topics described for each position.               development of the planning jurisdiction.”

             Chapter 40 of the Northville Township              The Michigan Planning Enabling Act also states:
             Code establishes the Township Planning                “The general purpose of a master plan is to guide
             Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals,               and accomplish, in the planning jurisdiction and
             outlining requirements and procedures                 its environs, development that satisfies all of the
             to appoint individuals to each group, and             following criteria:
             operating procedures for each.                           –  Is coordinated, adjusted, harmonious, efficient,
                                                                       and economical.
                                                                      –  Considers the character of the planning
                                                                       jursidiction and its suitability for particular uses.
                                                                      –  Will, in accordance with present and future
                                                                       needs, best promote public health, safety,
                                                                       morals, order, convenience, prosperity, and
                                                                       general welfare.
                                                                      –  Includes, among other things, promotion of
                                                                       or adequate provision for one or more of the
                                                                         ▪  A system of transportation to lessen congestion
                                                                          on streets and provide for safe and efficient
                                                                          movement of people and goods by motor
                                                                          vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and other legal
                                                                         ▪  Safety from fire and other dangers;
                                                                         ▪  Light and air;
                                                                         ▪  Healthful and convenient distribution of
                                                                         ▪  Good civic design and arrangement and wise and
                                                                          efficient expenditure of public funds;
                                                                         ▪  Public utilities such as sewage disposal and water
                                                                          supply, and other public improvements;
                                                                         ▪  Recreation;
                                                                         ▪  The use of resources in accordance with their
                                                                          character and adaptability.” 1

                                                                1  Michigan Planning Enabling Act, Act 33 of 2008, Article III

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