Page 11 - Northville Township
P. 11

What Northville Township Residents Had to Say

               Community and leadership engagement activities during the Master Plan process
                  –  Listening sessions of 8-12 individuals representing Northville Township
                   Home Owner Associations, businesses and high school youth. [July 2022,
                   September 2022]
                  –  A Public Forum open to the community to learn more about the process and
                   provide input on initial considerations for the plan. [September 2022]

                  –  Online community survey, which collected over 400 responses, to gauge
                   the community’s opinions about the Township’s future. This online survey
                   followed the Public Forum, and asked many similar questions, but provided
                   additional time for community members to respond.[September/October
                  –  Three meetings with the Master Plan Steering Committee. [September   Steering Committee members
                   2022, November 2022, January 2023]                                  brainstorm the Plan vision at a
                                                                                        meeting in September 2022.
                  –  An informal public meeting/open house on the overall draft plan.
                   [April 2023]
                  –  Three joint workshops with the Board of Trustees and Planning
                   Commission. [July 2022, October 2022, April 2023]

                  –  Public hearing opportunity on the proposed plan [June 2023 target
                   date]                           “I worry about too much
                   “I’m concerned about the amount   growth changing the feel of the
                     of new houses, and causing   area. It would be great if more
                      overcrowding in schools.”   of the area was pedestrian
                                                                                 Youth input was obtained through an
                                                   friendly (more sidewalks,   informal session with Northville High School
                  “Maintaining a balance at          connecting parks, etc.).”     students in September 2022.
                 the West end of the Township   “Execute on the vision to be
                 where development is sure to   an embracing community   “I feel many intersections   “Parking and congestion
                        take place.”         and a destination for   are unsafe due to too   is a challege for those less
                                             outdoor enthusiasts.”   much traffic and no        mobile.”
                                                                                      “Love that there is still a bit
                                                     “I hope we become a more           of old school feel to it.”
                     “Public safety, education and   bikeable, walkable, liveable   “My hope is that Northville
                     the quality of the homes and     community that connects   Township can maintain a safe and
                     neighborhoods are integral to    and brings neighbors and   clean residential community with
                     maintaining a strong, vibrant      businesses together.”          great schools.”

                                                                                           Approved August 17, 2023  9
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