Page 16 - Northville Township
P. 16

This plan section focuses on the potential extent of
               Goals                                            growth in Northville Township in the decades ahead,
                                                                where this growth might occur, and the implications
               GC GOAL 1:                                       it could have for the Township. Growth can bring
                                                                many economic and community benefits but must be
               A balance between accommodating the              balanced with reinvestment in the Township’s established
               Township’s remaining planned build-out           neighborhoods and non-residential areas, which tax base
               and protecting its established green and         expansion through revitalization will help to support.
               suburban character.                              Capital investments in public infrastructure such as

               GC GOAL 2:                                       utilities signal the desired locations for growth and
                                                                revitalization, help maintain a high quality of life for
               Pro-active planning and investment in            residents, and create a framework for land development.
                                                                Local development regulations govern new subdivision
               ongoing maintenance and upgrades to              activity, provide for the appropriate use of land through
               Township-owned public infrastructure and         zoning, and set minimum standards for the nature and
               facilities to serve anticipated build-out needs   quality of development. The Township can also choose
               and redevelopment activity.                      to employ financing and special district mechanisms that
                                                                advance the community’s economic development and
               GC GOAL 3:                                       growth management goals while supporting beneficial
                                                                private development and reinvestment. Finally, effective
               Continued support for public safety services     oversight and management of ongoing growth and
               to maintain responsiveness and levels of         revitalization also depends on solid partnerships with
                                                                other key public agencies, including the City of Northville,
               service expected by Northville Township          Northville Public Schools and Wayne County, among
               residents.                                       others.

                                                                Northville Township faces the challenges of an aging
                                                                housing stock and the need for an increased range of
                                                                housing choices that support all residents including
                                                                young families and residents hoping to age in place.
                                                                The Township also has some dated commercial centers,
                                                                especially along key corridors accessible from residential
                                                                areas. These commercial areas have lost their vitality
                                                                and need upgrades to compete with contemporary
                                                                development. Along with focused revitalization efforts,
                                                                absorbing some of the community’s projected population
                                                                growth within existing developed areas will inject new
                                                                dollars and energy into the Township, capitalize on
                                                                public infrastructure and facilities that are already in
                                                                place, and potentially lead to new housing options and

         14   NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP Master Plan
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