Page 18 - Northville Township
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in line with potential increases in population, PARTNERSHIPS AND COORDINATION
increasing service call volume, additional SAP14. Work with the development and real
vehicular traffic and other factors affecting estate communities to identify potential
public safety coverage, response times and locations for desired housing types, such as
service levels.
condominium and patio home development.
SAP8. Maintain funding and community support SAP15. Continue coordination with Northville
to achieve re-accreditation from the Public Schools to monitor area growth,
Commission on Accreditation for Law redevelopment and demographic trends and
Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA) for their implications for school capacity and
the Township’s Police Department through facilities, along with the Township’s public
agency performance tracking and monitoring infrastructure, public buildings and housing
changes to agency procedure.
REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS SAP16. Work with the Fire Department to identify
locations along narrower streets or those
SAP9. Update the Township’s development with on-street parking where fire trucks may
regulations, and specifically the zoning have difficulty passing through during an
districts, to reflect the future land use and emergency, for consideration when reviewing
character areas described in this plan. future development and redevelopment
SAP10. Maintain the Township’s “city in the proposals.
suburbs” aesthetic that includes significant
tree cover and green space by requiring MORE TARGETED PLANNING/STUDY
the maintenance of this characteristic SAP17. Evaluate the potential use and promotion
through development standards. This could of Low Impact Development (LID)
include utilizing open space minimums, lot techniques such as the minimization of
coverage maximums, increasing landscaping impervious surfaces and incorporation of
requirements, and potential use of density vegetated swales, rain gardens and storm
bonuses to incentivize desired outcomes.
SAP11. Update the Township’s development water wetlands into site designs, where
regulations to further incentivize SAP18. Determine and perform necessary upgrades
conservation development that maintains to water and sanitary sewer infrastructure
green space while allowing for smaller-lot equipment, using the Water Distribution
“cluster” development to preserve green and Study and Master Plan, to support existing
open spaces elsewhere on development sites, development proposals and potential new
which are essential to the area’s character.
SAP12. Ensure consistency across the Township’s development in the Township.
adopted design and construction standards,
development regulations, and other relevant
policies and criteria whenever plans and
studies are completed (e.g., water and
wastewater master plans).
SAP13. Consider encouraging and incentivizing Low
Impact Development (LID) standards through
the Township’s development regulations
and engineering design specifications,
as well as designing such methods into
public improvement projects in established
neighborhoods to achieve more cost-effective
and environmentally beneficial outcomes.