Page 17 - Northville Township
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Legacy of Past Planning Strategic Action Priorities
Northville Township’s first Master Plan was adopted over
50 years ago, and has since been updated numerous CAPITAL INVESTMENTS
times. Adopted in 2007, the most recent Master Plan
focused primarily on land use, but was supported by SAP1. Complete plans for and construction of new
land use-related topics such as parks and recreation and public safety campus along Seven Mile Road.
transportation, and updated community demographics. SAP2. Continue to prioritize capital projects related
The 2007 Master Plan noted that while previous Master to public utility infrastructure and facilities
Plans addressed periods of significant growth, the pace (water, wastewater, storm drainage, local
had significantly slowed. In 2007, and still today, growth government buildings, etc.) through a
capacity addresses a slower pace of growth and considers multi-year capital improvement planning
remaining vacant parcels and land for infill development process, to plan ahead for project financing
or redevelopment. The strategic use of remaining land, needs, ensure appropriate sequencing of
and upgrading utilities that serve the community as interrelated projects, and raise community
needed, is the focus of this plan element and private investor awareness of the area’s
public infrastructure/facilities outlook
and priorities. Utilize inter-departmental
Key Planning Issues and working groups to coordinate on sequencing
Considerations considerations for or across multiple inter-
related projects.
Through the Northville Township Today Report and the PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES
Plan Direction phase of this master planning effort, a set
of six strategic items was identified based on input from SAP3. Continue to build an asset management
the Master Plan Steering Committee (SC), joint workshops planning and life-cycle strategy for tracking
with Township Trustees and appointed officials, in- the condition and anticipating the timing
person and online community engagement activities, of needed maintenance, rehabilitation or
conversations with numerous staff, and consultant team ultimately replacement of all components of
input. Two of the six strategic items are most relevant to Township-owned infrastructure and public
the Growth Capacity portion of the Master Plan: facilities.
SAP4. Keep abreast of water conservation best
PRESERVING COMMUNITY management practices and promote wise
water use throughout the Township, including
CHARACTER through grant related opportunities.
SAP5. Utilize best management practices for
As Northville Township has developed over the past Township-maintained open spaces and
100 years, it has created a distinctive character in the facilities, such as efficient mowing, xeriscape
Detroit region. Maintaining this character is key, as is (i.e., low-water, low-maintenance, and native
ensuring that infill and redevelopment are compatible plantings), reduced pesticide use, and energy
and contribute to the charm and character valued and water conservation.
by residents. Considering the character of proposed SAP6. Identify lead persons and points of
development, along with open spaces, landscaping and coordination across Township departments,
connectivity will help ensure that new development does along with targeted staff training, to advance
not take away from the long-established character of the green practices and enhanced resiliency
Township. within the Township. This can also include
modified operations and maintenance
practices that reduce water and energy
use, storm water runoff and the need for
detention, and wastewater and solid waste
SAP7. Provide adequate funding to support
continued high-quality public safety services
Approved August 17, 2023 15