Page 27 - Northville Township
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Strategic Action Priorities development regulations to preserve the
character and promote compatible infill
CAPITAL INVESTMENTS SAP8. Consider potential updates to the Township’s
SAP1. Include criteria in the Township’s capital zoning districts and/or map that would help
improvements planning process that ensures maintain a ratio of residential to commercial
consideration of neighborhood needs and development that preserves Northville
enhancement opportunities when identifying Township’s primarily residential character
and prioritizing candidate capital projects, while providing essential non-residential
especially to incorporate specific community- services at key locations.
identified requests. SAP9. Update the Township’s development
SAP2. Add criteria to the Township’s capital standards to align the zoning districts with
improvements planning process to ensure the future land use and character categories,
that potential interaction between public and determine whether additional or
investments and land use outcomes is modified zoning districts are needed. The
considered when identifying and prioritizing review and update should incorporate:
candidate capital projects. ▪ Strategies that allow, promote and
incentivize a variety of housing types for
PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES infill and development that accommodate
residents of all ages;
SAP3. Building on the Township’s framework for
ongoing coordination with Home Owner ▪ Provisions that address community
aesthetics, such as landscaping, buffering,
Associations, consider formation of a cross- screening and lighting;
departmental Neighborhoods Team, to focus
on neighborhood-level issues and needs, ▪ Alternative methods and provisions
which often require solutions involving for achieving more development by
right, reducing reliance on Planned Unit
coordinated response by various Township Development procedures, and making the
functions. development review process as efficient
SAP4. Pursue a pro-active code enforcement and predictable as possible; and
strategy to maintain high-quality aesthetics ▪ Provisions that clearly allow for and
of the site design and building condition of promote mixed-use developments (vertical
existing commercial sites. Develop a strategy or horizontal) where appropriate.
that first offers helpful assistance to property
owners for complying voluntarily with SAP10. Update the Township’s Zoning Ordinance to
Township building condition and appearance specify appropriate zoning districts for small-
standards rather than a punitive approach, so lot residential development, condominiums
that enforcement resources may be targeted or other “missing middle” housing types that
to the worst areas and offenders. are currently limited in the Township. Missing
middle housing describes a range of house-
REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS scale buildings with multiple units that are
SAP5. Adopt new design standards that address designed to be compatible in scale with a
detached single-family home and located in a
multi-family housing and infill development walkable neighborhood.
to ensure a high level of design quality. SAP11. Consider incorporating more elements of
SAP6. Adopt the International Existing Building a character-based zoning approach, which
Code (IEBC) to provide flexibility to property factors into the stated purposes and design
owners and developers looking to reuse of zoning districts along with various specific
existing structures. regulating elements (e.g., residential densities
SAP7. As more residential areas of the Township and non-residential intensities; minimum lot
mature in the decades ahead, consider and site areas; building setback, placement
applying a neighborhood conservation and orientation on sites and associated front/
strategy through the designation of additional
R-4 areas with specific, context-sensitive
Approved August 17, 2023 25