Page 25 - Northville Township
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Legacy of Past Planning Goals
The most recent Master Plan (2007) focused primarily on
land use, but was supported by land use-related topics LUD GOAL 1:
such as parks and recreation and transportation, and
updated community demographics. Key land use issues Sustained integrity of established and newer
identified during the 2007 Master Plan effort included: residential neighborhoods as growth and
– Variety in Housing redevelopment activity continue, preserving
– Lack of Convenience Commercial the community character of particular areas
of Northville Township.
– Support of Downtown Northville
– Diversification of the Tax Base LUD GOAL 2:
– Increased Traffic A land use allocation that reflects careful
Consequently, the goals that guided the 2007 Master Plan consideration of appropriate uses for
focused on addressing the identified issues. The goals remaining vacant and redeveloping
emphasized balancing residential and non-residential properties.
uses, promoting infill development, supporting a variety
of housing types and encouraging high quality design for LUD GOAL 3:
non-residential development.
Housing options at varied price points
Key Planning Issues and and styles so that Northville Township is
Considerations welcoming for a wide range of families and
individuals, and provides options to allow
Through the Northville Township Today Report and the residents to age in place.
Plan Direction phase of this master planning effort, a set
of six strategic items was identified based on input from LUD GOAL 4:
the Master Plan Steering Committee (SC), joint workshops
with Township Trustees and appointed officials, in- A land use pattern that maintains
person and online community engagement activities, the Township’s status as a largely
conversations with numerous staff and consultant team suburban residential community while
input. Two of the six strategic items are most relevant to ensuring a stable, sustainable tax base
the Land Use and Development portion of the Master
Plan: from complementary non-residential
As Northville Township has developed over the past
100 years, it has created a distinctive character in the
Detroit region. Maintaining this character is key, as is
ensuring that infill and redevelopment are compatible
and contribute to the charm and character valued
by residents. Considering the character of proposed
development, along with open spaces, landscaping and
connectivity will help ensure that new development does
not take away from the long-established character of the
Approved August 17, 2023 23