Page 79 - Northville Township
P. 79

–  Recommendations for needed actions, programs   Five Year Review
                 and procedures to be developed and implemented
                 in the coming year, including recommendation of   An Evaluation and Appraisal Report to the Board of
                 projects to be included in the Township’s proposed   Trustees should be prepared every five years. This report
                 CIP, other programs/projects to be funded and   should be prepared by Township staff with input from all
                 priority coordination needs with public and private   departments, the Planning Commission and other boards
                 implementation partners.                       and commissions. The report process involves evaluating
                                                                the existing plan and assessing how successful it has been
              Bi-Annual Amendment Process                       in achieving the community’s goals. The purpose of the
                                                                report is to identify the successes and shortcomings of
              Plan amendments should occur at least bi-annually   the plan, look at what has changed over the last five years
              (every two years), allowing for proposed changes to be   and make recommendations on how the plan should be
              considered concurrently so the cumulative effects may be   modified in light of those changes.
              understood. Factors that should be considered in deciding
              on a proposed plan amendment include:             The report should review baseline conditions and
                                                                assumptions about trends and growth indicators.
                 –  Consistency with the goals, policies and action   It should also evaluate implementation potential and/
                 strategies set forth in the plan.              or obstacles related to any unaddressed major action
                 –  Potential effects on infrastructure provision including   strategies. The evaluation report and process should
                 water, wastewater, drainage and the transportation   result in an amended Master Plan, including identification
                 network.                                       of new or revised information that may lead to updated

                 –  Potential effects on the Township’s ability to provide,   goals and action strategies.
                 fund and maintain services.                    More specifically, the report should identify and provide:
                 –  Potential effects on environmentally sensitive and
                 natural areas.                                    –  Summary of major actions and interim plan
                                                                    amendments undertaken over the last five years.
                 –  Whether the proposed amendment contributes to     –  Major issues in the community and how these issues
                 the overall direction and character of the community   have changed over time.
                 as captured in the plan vision and goals, and as
                 reflected in ongoing public input.                –  Changes in the assumptions, trends and base studies
                                                                    data in the Township Today Report, including the

               A short booklet could be used for the annual report.

                                                                                           Approved August 17, 2023  75
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