Page 81 - Northville Township
P. 81
Ongoing Community Outreach and – New and expanded businesses, added jobs and
Engagement associated tax revenue gains through economic
development initiatives.
All review processes and updates related to this Master – Acres of parkland and open space added to the
Plan should emphasize and incorporate ongoing public Township’s inventory, and miles of trail developed or
input. The annual and continual plan evaluation and improved.
reporting processes should also incorporate specific
performance measures and quantitative indicators that – Indicators of the benefits from redeveloped sites and
can be compiled and communicated both internally and structures (appraised value, increased tax revenue,
to elected officials, residents and other plan stakeholders new residential units and retail and
in a “report card” fashion. Examples might include: office spaces in mixed-use settings, etc.).
– Acres of new development (plus number of – The numbers of residents and other stakeholders
residential units and square footage of commercial engaged through Township-sponsored education
and industrial space) approved and constructed in and outreach events related to Master Plan
conformance with this plan and Northville Township’s implementation and periodic review and updating, as
development regulations. outlined in this section.
– Various measures of service capacity (gallons per
day, etc.) added to the Township’s major utility
infrastructure systems – and the number of dollars
allocated to fund the necessary capital projects.
Visual presentation of metrics status in annual report of the City of Powell, Ohio.
Approved August 17, 2023 77