Page 88 - Northville Township
P. 88

Northville Township Today Report

             Purpose                                               –  Provide policy guidance and a legally defensible basis
                                                                   for effective and implementable land development
             This report provides background information about     regulations.
             Northville Township as it is today. This information is     –  Provide a framework to enable local officials to make
             presented in topic areas relevant to the Township’s   better-informed decisions based upon a coordinated
             physical growth and development. This report also     plan to guide the orderly growth and development of
             highlights key planning considerations for the years   their community.
             ahead, which will set the stage for the Future Township
             phase of the Master Plan process in terms of community     –  Provide the umbrella for weaving together a series of
             needs and desires for the next 20 years. This report   small area plans, through which greater synergies can
             content is based on initial background studies to date by   be created.
             the Township’s community planning consultant, Kendig   Engaging in a local comprehensive planning process will
             Keast Collaborative (of Sugar Land, Texas), as well as   enable Northville Township to have a greater measure
             leadership and community input received to this point.   of control over its future and the opportunities and
             The report also points readers to other sources for   challenges that change will bring. Planning will enable
             more detailed information to ensure the brevity of this   the Township to proactively manage future growth and
             document and to avoid duplication of available reports   development / redevelopment as opposed to reacting to
             and profiles of Northville.                        development proposals on a case-by-case basis without
                                                                adequate and necessary consideration of community-
             Benefits                                           wide issues. Northville Township’s last Master Plan was
                                                                completed in 2007.
             As discussed, a master plan is a long-range, community-
             based policy document that lays the groundwork for how   Focus Areas
             communities can take charge of, invest in, and realize
             their future.                                      Focus areas within the Master Plan provide direction

             MASTER PLANS:                                      when setting program and funding priorities to enhance
                                                                the quality of life in Northville Township. The five Focus
                –  Provide public officials with a greater understanding   Areas for Northville Township’s new Master Plan will
                of existing conditions in their community, and the   include:
                larger trends and forces that are impacting growth   1.  Growth Capacity
                and development (or lack thereof); and a long-term
                outlook at the potential consequences of land use,   2.  Land Use and Development
                infrastructure, and other decisions.            3.  Transportation
                –  Establish priorities for implementation strategies and   4.  Economic Development
                actions to achieve preferred outcomes.          5.  Recreation and Amenities
                –  Place communities in more favorable positions when
                pursuing and securing grants and capital project   These focus areas were considered in preparing this
                partnerships.                                   Northville Township Today Report and will frame the
                                                                Future Township portion of the Master Plan.
                –  Offer an opportunity for constructive and meaningful
                public input, education, and engagement through a
                variety of forums; including one-on-one meetings,
                focus groups, town hall-style community workshops,
                and surveys.

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