Page 90 - Northville Township
P. 90
Northville Township Today Report
Approach Leadership and
Public Engagement
TOWNSHIP TODAY | FUTURE TOWNSHIP Multiple leadership and community engagement activities
were hosted by Northville Township and the consultant
The planning process focuses first on providing a team to help focus data gathering efforts for this report
snapshot of existing conditions, culminating in this and to guide later planning during the Future Township
Northville Township Today Report. The report includes a phase. These initial engagement activities included:
discussion of Northville Township’s history, location and
physical characteristics and hieghlights its demographic ▪ A first joint workshop with the Board of Trustees
composition and trends. A summary of key indicators, and Planning Commission for initial “big picture”
discussion of the project, and of Northville Township
from the latest available U.S. Census data and other trends, issues and needs. (July 2022)
sources, illustrates historical data and current conditions
and provies context relevant to the rest of the planning ▪ A series of three informal listening sessions with
effort. community members to learn about the area’s
strengths and challenges, along with areas of interest
Master plans are future-oriented and contain policies and and priorities for the Plan. The groups were Home
Owners Association members, business owners and
actions that are intended to advance a set of preferred high school youth. (July and September 2022)
conditions. As such, the Future Township phase of the
planning process — and its implementation emphasis ▪ A Public Forum to provide an introduction to the Plan,
— will be the primary focus of Northville Township’s present initial data and a profile of Northville Township
and collect input on the community’s vision for the
Master Plan. The Future Township portion includes future. A series of interactive activities provided an
recommended initiatives and strategies for guiding opportunity for participants to share what they love
Northville Township’s development and redevelopment about Northville Township and key concerns they think
while preserving community character, enhancing quality should be prioritized in this Plan. (September 2022)
of life and improving economic well-being. ▪ A first Steering Committee meeting to discuss topics
heard thus far from the community and conduct a
series of visioning and land use planning exercises.
(September 2022)
▪ A meeting with Township department heads to learn
about accomplishments from their recent work and
future opportunities and challenges they foresee.
(September 2022)
▪ An online survey to follow-up on the Forum content
and provide community members an opportunity to
share their favorite things about Northville Township,
along with their hopes, concerns and top priorities for
the Plan. (September 2022)
Figure 1, Public Forum on Northville Township’s