Page 3 - Plano, TX Heritage Preservation Plan
P. 3

            The Heritage Preservation Plan update began in January of 2018, kicking off
            with  a public workshop, stakeholder committee meeting, and city department
            interviews to understand the dynamics of the current preservation program.
            A website was created to inform community members about the project
            throughout the process that provided information about upcoming events,
            reported results from past events, and offered links to online mapping. Two
            additional workshops were held to seek additional public input as the plan
            developed.  Additional outreach efforts included:
             A    Public Workshops              A     Letters to Owners of Potential
                                                     Heritage Resources
             A    City of Plano Twitter              City of Plano Facebook
             A    City of Plano Website         A     NextDoor                      More Information
             A    Preservation Plano 150 Website  A    Preservation Review Newsletter  Additional information about the
             A    Potential Historic Assets     A                                   workshops and other public outreach
                 Crowdsourcing Map              A     SAGE Newsletter               materials used throughout this

             A    Email Blast                   A     Plano City News               update process can be found in
             A    Flyers                        A     Plano History Focus Group     Appendix D.
             A    Survey (both online and hard   A    Historic Downtown Plano
                 copy at libraries)                  Association (HDPA) Monthly
             A    Public Hearings at Heritage        Meetings
                 Commission & City Council

         16      Workshop #1 Attendees               Workshop #2 Attendees      36       Workshop #3 Attendees

            The first public workshop was held on January 31,   A second workshop was held on May 10, 2018   The third workshop was held on August 30, 2018
            2018 and introduced participants to the Heritage   to update the public on initial online survey   and included a presentation of the draft Heritage
            Preservation Plan, its goals, and the project   results, the historic assets survey, and initial   Preservation Plan and an updated Potential
            process. Participants were also invited to provide   recommendations for the heritage preservation   Heritage Resources list. Members of the public that
            feedback about Plano’s existing heritage resources,   program moving forward.   attended the workshop had an opportunity to
            the current preservation program, and the                              review the updated timelines and goals, policies,
            opportunities and  challenges the program faces in                     and actions matrices.
            the near future.
                  GREAT IDEAS


            november 2018                                                          chapter 1: Introduction        3
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