Page 26 - San Marcos, TX Design Manual
P. 26
Design Guidelines APPENDIX
D. Provide a compatible sense of scale along sensitive edges by materials, although other materials that convey a sense of scale
using lower building heights for areas of a property adjacent to and provide visual interest are also appropriate. Materials with
a sensitive site, conventional residential district, ND-3 or ND- matte finishes and those that are in units or modules that help
3.5, or historic district. to express scale are examples.
(Previous Section A.1.4.7) Expression Tools B. Guidelines. The following guidelines should be used when
considering building materials:
E. Traditionally, buildings in CD-5D have an established
sense of scale and proportion and express a visual rhythm 1. Use building materials that appear authentic and that
and pedestrian interest at the street front. This should be contribute to the visual continuity of downtown San
continued in new projects in both CD-5 and CD-5D. Vertical Marcos.
and horizontal articulation should meet the intent of the blank
wall area standards and express a sense of human scale and a. A building material should have a texture, finish and
provide visual interest on a principal frontage. scale similar to that used historically, especially in the
Downtown Core design context.
1. Vertical Expression. Vertical articulation techniques
should provide interest in design and human scale. The b. Utilize genuine masonry, metal, concrete and glass,
purpose of these articulations is to ensure that the front of where possible.
a new structure has a variety of offsets, surface relief, and c. Avoid using imitation or highly reflective materials.
insets to reflect a more traditional rhythm and scale at the
street front. 2. Develop simple combinations to retain the overall
composition of the building.
2. Horizontal Articulation. The objective of horizontal
articulation tools is to create a sense of human scale, a. Avoid mixing several materials in a way that would
facade depth and visual interest on a building facade. result in an overly busy design.
Section A.1.4.7 Building Materials 3. Use high quality, durable building materials.
A. Overview. Building materials should contribute to the visual a. Choose materials that are proven to be durable in the
continuity of downtown San Marcos. Each material should be San Marcos climate.
authentic and genuine, reflecting the scale, color, texture and
finish of those used historically, especially in the Downtown b. Choose materials that are likely to maintain an
Core. More flexibility is appropriate for design contexts further intended finish over time, when it is understood to be
from the Downtown Core. The appropriateness of a material a desired outcome.
may also vary depending on whether it is used as a primary c. Incorporate building materials at the ground level
material or a secondary material. A primary material is one that that will withstand on-going contact with the
covers the majority of the surface area of a prominent face of public, sustaining impacts without compromising
a building. A secondary material is also a part of a building’s appearance.
walls but is subordinate to the primary material. Other materials
may also be used as accents and trim elements. 4. Alternative primary materials may be considered when
they are designed to express modules and a sense of
Historically, the palette of primary building materials was scale. These may include:
limited, with brick predominant. Other masonry forms, such a. Architectural metals
as stone, were also common. Buildings in the Downtown
Core should continue to utilize masonry materials, especially b. Glass curtain walls
brick, as a primary building material. New buildings in the
other design contexts should consider incorporating traditional c. Architectural concrete
San Marcos Design Manual A:27