Page 54 - St. Paul, MN Central Station Design Guidelines
P. 54
5.5 Service Access and Drop-Off Sites
Access for service vehicles is an important
consideration for the Central Station block, both
for the new building(s) and for the LRT system,
and should be safe, efficient and subordinate to
other forms of circulation through the block.
5.5.1 Maintain the service drive on
the east side of the Saint Paul
Athletic Club.
» Consider shared access to service
areas for existing and future
Figure 5.11 Maintain the service drive on the east side of the Saint development.
Paul Athletic Club (shown above).
» Screen service equipment or
areas using materials and designs
that are compatible with the new
5.5.2 Locate a drop-off zone along
Minnesota Street, if needed.
» Drop-off zones are not required,
but if one is essential to a
development on the block, it must
not inhibit active street-level uses.
Figure 5.12 Consider screening service equipment or areas
using materials and designs that are compatible with the new
50 central station block circulation